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作者:张充炫 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:6

【外文题名】A study the effective of innovation teaching method at the Hakka Magic College in Taipei County

【作者】 张充炫

【关键词】 学习成效 客语魔法学院 客语教学 创新教学

【外文关键词】 creative teaching Hakka language teaching learning efficiency. Hakka magic college







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【外文摘要】The purpose of this research is to study the new creative teaching action method of the Hakka Magic College in Taipei County. Total of actions planning, we have had 15 times during in 2009. The difference variable items in different background of members students during the emotion surrounding teaching method of two days and one night activities, we have not only investigated the students learning absorb level but also the learning efficiency within the curriculums, teaching materials, teaching aids, teaching methods, and etc. We have gotten the conclusions, which will be valuable to Hakka Magic College for making a reference of the advance level, the higher level or the highest level in future. The conclusions are as follows: 1 The question of general sense of students who participates the Hakka Magic College in Taipei County, Answer the full satisfied have 38.96% satisfied have 26.45% general have 24.86%, total have 90.27%. It means the emotion surrounding teaching method of two days and one night activities, which is significant to the members students . 2 The priority and ranking of interesting curriculums to members students have: a play bamboo ban within reading proverb b Hakka handmade craft c Hakka delicious foods receptivity. General speaking, the activity and practical curriculums are the most interested in students. 3 Comparing the variable items and the obviously of learning effect for students are: It is more significant for male and female, but no ideal for national background and whether they have or not in joining the Hakka school learning before. 4 In the one-way ANOVA of crossing variables evaluating: It is more obviously difference for the Hakka speaking fluently students but it is not influent by the schools faculty and equipments....

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