首页>学位论文>  台湾地区国小肥胖学童区域差异之探讨


作者:吴孟蓉 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【作者】 吴孟蓉

【关键词】 学童肥胖 区域差异 社会变迁 都市 乡村 客家 山地 东部 肥胖变迁

【外文关键词】 childhood obesity regional differences social change urban rural Hakka mountainous eastern region obesity transition







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【外文摘要】In the thesis, we tried to discuss the problem of childhood obesity. We compared the characteristics of obesity children lived in five different regions, which are urban, rural, Hakka, mountainous, and the eastern regions of Taiwan. Considering the mutual effects between living environment, demography, and culture behavior. We can analysis the regional differences of the factors related to obesity, and try to understand the correlation between childhood obesity problem and the local environment. We assume the childhood obesity is coming from the social change. The modernization increases the energy intake of the school children, and reduces the energy consumption. It results in the increasing of obesity prevalence. Until the later period of modernization, the factors restrain obesity appears. Then, the prevalence of obesity is slowed down. The childhood obesity is not only related to the social change, but also the difference of region conditions. We assumed three control factors, which affect the prevalence of childhood obesity. The three factors are energy intake, energy consumption, and obesity knowledge. However, due to the difference of modernization in each region, the levels of three control factors spread hierarchically are different, and each region locates in different obesity transition stages....

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