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作者:苏敏娟 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:9

【外文题名】A Case Study of Effect Promotion of Hakka Learning Taking T Elementary School as Example

【作者】 苏敏娟

【关键词】 客家令仔 客家谚语 客家童谣 客语教学 师傅话

【外文关键词】 Hakka nursery rhymes Hakka si fu fa Hakka riddles Hakka proverbs Hakka teaching







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【外文摘要】This thesis aims to understand the students Hakka learning effect at T Elementary School through teachers action research. The researcher explores the characteristics of Hakka nursery rhymes, riddles and si-fu-fa (quips) by analyzing related documents, and makes good use of them in teaching. Hakka nursery rhymes are unique and precious assets, Hakka proverbs are concise and intriguing and often have profound meanings, and Hakka riddles serve as supplementary materials, which help make teaching and learning lively.In the course, work sheets on six different themes are used as extended materials. In using these work sheets at home, the students are given opportunities to speak Hakka with their other family members and to have more interaction with their parents. Besides, through a cycle of teaching, reflection, and review and discussion, the researcher carries out and revises their course designs and teaching activities. Lastly, the researcher interviews experienced teachers and gathers their valuable opinions which she will consult in improving her teaching in the future.The findings of this thesis include:1.Nursery rhymes are wonderful supplementary materials in Hakka teaching because they help students learn while having fun and bring about unobtrusive influence on them.2.The use of Hakka riddles helps make Hakka teaching lively.3.Hakka teaching should be integrated into the direct teaching method of Hakka phonetic spelling .4.Proverbs, being concise and intriguing and often having profound meanings, are great teaching materials.5.Homes are the best environments for language learning....

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