【外文题名】The Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital in Hakka Associations and Organizational Development― Take Banciao Hakka Association as an Object of Study
【作者】 罗美香
【关键词】 新北市板桥客属会 社会资本 社会网络 组织发展 客家社团
【外文关键词】 Banciao Hakka association socialcapital social network organizational development Hakka associations
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【摘要】會,對社團活動也參與其中,並從中觀察、拍照並做記錄。首先針對社團成員共發放240份問卷、回收有效問卷151份,以SPSS for Windows統計軟體進行量化分析,瞭解社團成員的背景資訊。再對社團決策單位、執行單位幹部發放社會網絡問卷,共發放53份,回收有效問卷53份,以UCINET 6 for Windows軟體進行分析,找出網絡中心性較高的成員進行深度訪談。研究發現:(1)成員參與社團時間長、互動往來密切頻繁。(2)年輕人加入有助於活絡客家社團。(3)經費是影響社團發展及運作的重要因素。(4)課程以傳統性的課程為主,需積極創新。(5)社團活動由自辦走向與公部門協力合作。(6)社團由內聚型社會資本邁向橋接型與連結型社會資本。最後將研究結果,對新北市客家事務局、新北市客家社團、新北市板橋客屬會提出建議。...
【外文摘要】Banciao Hakka association is one of the biggest Hakka social associations in New Taipei City. It has established for 26 years and been a representative among Hakka social associations. This research intends to analyze“the relationship between social capital and organizational development in Hakka social associations”and takes Banciao Hakka association as an object of study. Methodology includes documentary analysis, participant observation, questionnaire, analysis of social networks, and depth interview. Depth interview is the major methodology in this research. By attending Banciao Hakka association and participating in its activities, researcher is able to take photos and record what is observed. 240 questionnaires are distributed to members in Banciao Hakka association and 151 questionnaires are effective. These data are analyzed as quantitative research by SPSS for Windows statistical software to perceive the members’background information. Furthermore, 53 questionnaires are distributed to cadre members in policy-making unit and executive unit and 53 questionnaires are effective. These data are analyzed by UCINET 6 for Windows software to find out those central members in social networks and afterwards give them depth interviews. The research finds out: First, members of Banciao Hakka association participate in the group for a long time and interact frequently. Second, the participation of the youth helps to facilitate and revitalize the association. Third, fund is a crucial factor in influencing the association’s development and operation. Fourth, curriculum is based on tradition and requires innovation. Fifth, activities of the association transform from self-management to the cooperation with public department. Sixth, the association transforms from bonding social capital to bridging and linking social capitals. Finally, the outcome of this research will be suggested to New Taipei City Hakka affairs, New Taipei Hakka social associations and Banciao Hakka association....
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