首页>学位论文>  地方特产品牌应用於视觉设计创作之研究


作者:朱盈珍 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:24

【作者】 朱盈珍

【关键词】 地方特产 品牌 视觉设计创作

【外文关键词】 local product brand visual creative design







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接




【外文摘要】This study has been focused on how to utilize visual design to create traditional local food brand image as to benefit its marketing and promotion. It is based on the example of dried persimmons produced in a Hakka township in HsinChu County to launch the research of the relationship of visual image design and branding. Based upon the study of literature, "colors", "graphics", and "texts" have been defined as the main elements of visual conveyance that endorse the application of visual design theory for traditional local food branding. This theory contains four missions of conveying the message of products, building brand recognition, stimulating consumer demand, and promoting local cultures. The study also reveals that visual design plays a very important role in assisting branding image. It is beneficial for product marketing and sales if a special traditional local product brand can be established. "Design" is not limited to commercial practicality but also a part of culture and life. Combining the design concept with the consumer and cultural products for brand promotion, it will add up more cultural value on top of the products. In the meantime, when the consumers realize the importance and the value of design, it will increase their concept of the beauty of living. The design strategies are based upon the result of analysis. It has been applied to the artistic foundation of visual design of the special local brand and has enhanced the creation and mission of culture by practicing visual design....

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