首页>学位论文>  客家宗族的教育习俗研究:以江西省泰和县东华村张氏宗族为例


作者:张文涛 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:162

【作者】 张文涛

【关键词】 宗族 教育习俗 族群性 教育

【外文关键词】 clan education customs ethnicity education







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Hakka culture is of a characteristic Han ethnic culture, its contents can be described as broad and profound. So with the help of "clan phenomenon " in rivival,my study of Hakka culture are bound to be the tip of the iceberg. While make me feel excited is the strength of the educational customs behind the Hakka clan phenomenon, just for the power of the clan education customs which is shaping the clan, the Hakka ethnic nature the differences from other ethnic groups, cultural psychology, morality, values and personality. And Clan phenomenon’s revival is also proved the charm of the clan education customs. Therefore, I try to research from the clan education customs, from the professional perspective of pedagogy to know the formation mechanisms behind "clan phenomenon " and their causes, then sum up the thinking and analysis of the value of the clan education customs, educational function, explore the universal law of education and hope that could do some inspiration to school education——under the education socialization.Recognize the common importance of the fieldwork for the research, while the Hakka home and abroad, the neighborhoods of different sizes, the objective facts of the different clans’different developments, coupled with my resources, limited energy and other issues, in integrated manner, finally select my hometown, a new Hakka village, meanwhile quote small amount of the materials from the rich history in my clan——original settlements in Hakka Zijin area as this case study’s material support. Given the above understanding, I design this project to be three parts.The first part defines the relevant concepts, to accurately grasp the connotation of this new topic "Clan education customs" which is good to the later performance.The second part comprehensively discusses and analyzes of the ZiJin Zhang clan education. First, open the case’s "live spot", the Donghua village, which to lay the groundwork for the following commences. Secondly, introduce the ZiJin Zhangshi clan and the changing and developing clan education culture through the history and reality of space-time dimensions.Part III, On this basis,expand the key contents of this part——Zijin zhang clan education customs. Discourse by doing all the detail at great length, not only the interpretation of the new Hakka village Donghua village inside and out in the interaction and competition of ethnic relations, buta also the answer to the Zijin Zhang clan how to use the subtle education customs to give birth to the clan consciousness, culture clan emotions and unite the clans agree to form a stable ethnic and cultural psychological issues; at the same time,and hope readers to understand,and grasp this type of clan ethnic cultures,the context,contacts and the law of the ethnic psychological change and development in the history and reality.open clue is discussing and analyzing the clan education customes’common influences,functions,values to the clan,personal and their representatives of Hakka culture education customs,the factors of the clan education customs and the situation. The dark line to explore the relationship between education and people, that is the function of education and human development.Part IV is the thinking and summary. Consider the inspirations of the clan education customs gives to peopole on our culture and education, discuss the developments,prospects of the clan education customs, then come to conclusions....

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