首页>学位论文>  广西客家传统民居对中原文化的继承与发展:以贺州客家围龙屋为例


作者:田非 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】The Hakka Traditional Buildings in Guangxi, the Inheritance and Developement of the Culture in the Cetral Plain Area

【作者】 田非

【关键词】 广西客家 传统民居 围龙屋

【外文关键词】 Guangxi Hakka traditional residential building Lung Wai housing







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【外文摘要】Any building can be regarded the sum of all the material wealth and spiritual wealth belong to the owners,as well as the comprehensive show of their characteristics.Hakka traditional residential buildings are a kind of comprehensive history and culture phenomenon and they are products and symbols of Hakka history and ciliviation.They have a close relationship betwwen origin with the Fort dock barriers to the construction of civil engineering structures that has ever existed in a large scale in the central p......

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