首页>学位论文>  年轻世代客家饮食意象调查研究:以中坜地区大学院校学生为例


作者:吴宛桦 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:27

【作者】 吴宛桦

【关键词】 客家饮食 意象 年轻世代

【外文关键词】 Hakka cuisine image young generation







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】In addition to language, food is often viewed as conserved functions of ethnic identity in private field. Ethnic food reflects society and economy of ethnic, and is important element composed of dietary habit and collective memory to build ethnic identity. Ethnic food is linked to cultural tourism and cultural property now, and Hakka cuisine is the best representative of ethic characteristic. Hakka cuisine born in specific time, changing with history and Hakka cultural memory, and realizes daily life of Hakka for long time. Due to the developing cultural economy, casual consume and changing in consume attitude in last 20 years, Hakka cuisine attempts to reform with traditional culture for ingratiating itself with people. College Students are participating in this trend, and have unique thinks different from middle and old generation. The study uses The image of Hakka cuisine questionnaire by cross-validated between literature reviews to discuss, and samples college students from 6 universities in Zhongli city. Then the study tries to analysis college students building image of Hakka cuisine by two ways between college students Hakka cuisine habits and traditional or new image of Hakka cuisine in present, and generalizes conclusions of young generation s cognition, habit of Hakka cuisine and the image of the representative food of Hakka. By such conclusions, the study gives advices to the government and related organizations....

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