首页>学位论文>  节庆活动与客家文化创新之研究:以苗栗火旁龙为例


作者:苏瑞英 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:6

【外文题名】A Research of The Festival Activities and HAKKA Culture Innovation An Example of Bombing Dragon in Miaoli.

【作者】 苏瑞英

【关键词】 苗栗火旁龙 节庆活动 文化创新

【外文关键词】 The festive celebrations MiaoLi Bombing Dragon Cultural innovation







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【摘要】動」至今已連續舉辦了十一年,本研究擬以「苗栗 龍活動」為例,從中探討鄉土文化意義與價值,並賦予傳統文化新的生命意義,讓這項富有地方特色之傳統文化得以綿延流傳,進而發光發熱。並從從創新的觀點出發,深入剖析傳統節慶文化的傳承、複製與擴散過程,並對「苗栗 龍活動」整個活動的規劃、宣傳及促銷提供建議,作為主辦單位對往後節慶活動計畫擬定之參考。...

【外文摘要】Global economy in the 21st century has been recently transformed into Knowledge Economy in which innovation play a predominant role. Think globally, act locally is therefore the outcome of culture developments influenced by globalization. Nowadays many cities host festivities to distinguish as well as to promote local cultures. Such conduct can not only be a good strategy to preserve traditional cultures and art, but also a popular method to increase regional tourism revenues.MiaoLi Bombing Dragon Festival is held successively for 11 years. This (My) study plans to example it for probing into local culture s significance and value, rending new interpretation of tradition culture, preserving this rich heritance. Meanwhile, viewpoints will be given from the innovative aspects, analyzing thoroughly the inheritance, duplication and illumination of traditional festive culture. Suggestions of planning, publicity and promotions customized to MiaoLi Bombing Dragon Festival will be provided, hoping them as useful references to the future organizers....

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