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发展客庄聚落文化与生态观光策略之研拟 以屏东县万峦乡五沟水

作者:江觐文 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】The Formulation of the Strategies for Developing Hakka Community Culture and Eco-Tourism: Taking Wugoshuei Community of Wanluan Township, Ping Tong County, as an Example

【作者】 江觐文

【关键词】 聚落保存 社区营造 文化资产 生态观光

【外文关键词】 SWOT Community Reconstruction Living Cluster Preservation Cultural Properties Eco tourism SWOT







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【摘要】態資源及民情風俗,使得背負歷史的社區能夠透過改造而再次活絡起來。 本研究以台灣目前保存較為完整的客家社區-屏東縣萬巒鄉五溝水為研究對象,探討其客庄聚落保存與結合生態觀光旅遊。2008年政府依文化資產法指定五溝水為「客家傳統聚落」,它是第一個通過聚落登錄的村落,也是政府規劃第一個要保存的客家聚落,對於客家傳統聚落的保存與延續深具意義。該社區數年前即開始規劃發展,居民陸續參與,但因意見分歧,加上法令尚未完善,因此進行速度緩慢。本研究從文化資產與聚落保存之價值探討切入,深入了解該社區之歷史軌跡、文化資產現狀、生態資源盤點、居民參與現況、支持與反對之看法、法令造成之障礙等。其中探討重點之一是社區開放生態觀光所帶來的人為干擾與破壞。生態旅遊仍屬旅遊範疇,其相關活動及遊客消費行為可提高當地社區經濟收入,關鍵在於如何掌握生態與經濟的平衡,方能漸漸導入「永續價值」的觀念。 本研究以實地觀察、深度訪談、公部門資料檢視、居民資料檢視等方式進行五溝水社區第一手資料收集彙總,再經過SWOT分析,將研究對象通過評價找出其內部的優勢、弱點,外部的機會和威脅,然後進行分析並藉以制定相對應的發展策略並提出可行性之建議,期望能藉由逐步保存五溝水客家文化資產,得以增強客家文化傳承,促進地方觀光,並提升居民之生活品質與社區產業經濟,達到永續生存與發展之目標,讓客家文化得以代代相傳。 對於未來是否要將五溝水推展為重要聚落,成為特定專業區,這是非常專業之問題,對居民權利義務之影響也非常大。因此,也是後續研究的重要課題,必需總體審慎評估居民之意向。五溝水聚落保存之最高原則是文化資產保存,但背後要有各方能量之支撐,否則無法達成目標。...

【外文摘要】The impact of the globalization in recent years has caused the gradual marginalization and risks of the local traditional cultures. Taiwan had amended its Cultural Property Preservation Act in 2005, in the hope of preserving cultural properties and traditional living clusters and recovering community economy through community reconstruction. Traditional living clusters represent the footprint of history and local unique cultural assets. Thus, through the participation of local people to undertake the reconstruction of the community, the unique industries and cultures are restored, the original historical landscapes, the eco-resources and the local customs are all integrated, so the historical community is once again revitalized. This study aims at Wugoshwei community of Wan Luan Township, Ping Dong County, a Hakka Community in Taiwan which has been well preserved. The focus is to study possibility of the preservation of its Hakka living cluster and the development of its eco-tourism. Wogoshwei was designated as the “Traditional Hakka Cluster” in 2008 by the government in accordance with Cultural Property Preservation Act, the first community that is granted with this title and to be preserved by the government. The community was started the planning several years ago, however, due to the differences of the opinions among local residents and the shortcomings of the laws, the progress was somewhat slow. This study started from the discussion of the value of the preservation by understanding its history, current cultural properties and eco-environment, the participation and opinions of local people, the barrier of the law, followed by the assessment of the impact to the community due to the development of the eco-tourism. The study had adopted the field observation, in-depth interviews and documentary review, to collect the first hand information and to cross examing the theories and the realities. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the community are assessed through SWOT analysis, the corresponding strategic matrix was formed based on the results from the SWOT analysis. Hence, the short, mid and long term recommendations were provided along with the future possible studies....

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