首页>学位论文>  社区如何展现能动性:在地与空间的研究,以台湾竹北六家地区为例


作者:刘如意 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:18

【外文题名】How a Community Claims its Agency: A Study of Locality and Space in Lj-jh, Jhubei, Taiwan

【作者】 刘如意

【关键词】 文化资产 社区营造 客家文化 新瓦屋 花鼓队

【外文关键词】 culture heritage community renaissance Hakka culture Sin Wa Wu flower drum ensemble







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【外文摘要】This article will study a series of events in Lj-jh, a village in Jhubei City in central Taiwan, within which the community has made efforts (re)shaping the meanings for its space. Thanks to the state-initiated development of the nearby Science Park in Hsinchu County and the Taiwan High Speed Rail construction the past ten years, Lj-jh, a traditional Hakka village, has seen Hakka styled building and farmlands, along with the life style and local culture, being replaced by public infrastructures and new housing development. Identity crises have inevitably been in place with the diminishing of local Hakka culture. Community leaders have risen up starting off activities to restore and reclaim their own cultural as well as identity, such as “flower drum band”, a Hakka music and dance troupe, and “Hsin Wa Wu” cultural theme park, a traditional Hakka housing compound turning to a exhibition center. I will examine the contexts and historical processes within which those activities are possible. And more importantly, I will seek to analyze what all of those mean to the locals and what that construction of the locality means to the relations between the state and community in Taiwan....

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