首页>学位论文>  幼稚园实施客家文化之乡土教学研究


作者:刘佳琪 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:27

【外文题名】The Homeland Teaching of Hakka Culture in Kindergarten

【作者】 刘佳琪

【关键词】 乡土教学 客家文化

【外文关键词】 homeland education hakka culture







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【摘要】省思。 研究方法採用質性研究之個案研究,注重情境的脈絡,從現場的關係架構中去看事件所發生的關係和意義,在自然的情境中取得一切資料,研究者透過參與、觀察、訪談,蒐集文件並以文字和圖片描述、歸納式的分析資料,呈現教學歷程與研究結果。 本研究結論發現: 一、在地文化資源豐富提供幼兒豐富的客家食物的體驗和學習經驗。 二、幼兒透過感官知覺的學習增進對在地客家文化的認識與關懷。 三、鄉土教育的課程增進教師對在地客家文化的認識和體驗。 對學校或教學者有以下建議: 一、學校結合社區資源發展在地化課程。 二、幼兒體驗在地文化須採活動經驗式的課程。 三、教師須學習在地文化的知能。 對未來有關客家文化之鄉土教學的研究者提出以下建議: 一、須了解各在地客家文化的個別特色。 二、可發展「客家文化」中不同文化面向之教學活動內容。...

【外文摘要】The aim of the study was to explore the homeland education activities regarding Hakka food. Through the homeland education activities, children experienced the beauty of Hakka culture and learned to appreciate Hakka food. The researcher also investigated and reflected the process of homeland education and the professional development of homeland teaching. The researcher used qualitative method to collect data. Participant observation, informal interview and documents were collected during the research period. The research results were listed as follow: 1.The resources of local culture provided children’s learning experiences of Hakka food. 2.The homeland education activities enhanced children’s understanding and affection of Hakka culture. 3.The teacher’s understanding of Hakka culture was promoted through the development of homeland education activities....

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