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作者:张素惠 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:18

【外文题名】Sign Consumption and Ethnic Identification of Hakka Floral Fabric

【作者】 张素惠

【关键词】 客家花布 符号消费 族群认同

【外文关键词】 Hakka Floral Fabric sign consumption ethnic identification







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【摘要】同情形。本研究透過便利抽樣從300份有效樣本中針對224份客家族群樣本進行量化分析,並且結合深度訪談的質化研究做對應。 研究結果發現:(1)客家花布首先是透過客委會的提倡,加上社區、產業與媒體的使用建構而成。(2)花布記憶變遷至今日,最主要目的是為了展現客家生活美學的涵養,同時也創造了花布的文化新價值。(3)強調符號消費的現代社會中,花布已成為客家族群的象徵符碼。(4)客家花布在近代社會中獲得高度的族群認同。 本研究對客家花布推展的建議為:提升客家花布商品的價值品味、商品感性與故事性,並且加強客家文化的意涵。此外對於未來研究客家花布的研究者可以進行不同族群間的比較。...

【外文摘要】Since its foundation, the Council for Hakka Affairs,Executive Yuan has been taking place various events regarding Hakka culture and economy actively, thereby promoting the economy visibility of Hakka race; floral fabric is regarded as “Hakka Floral Fabric ” so as to become one of the signs of Hakka . In order to understand the cultural identification of floral fabric in the course, this article firstly discovers the process of such sign constructing; further to analyze its consuming condition and ethnic identification. This research utilized convenience sampling method, analyzing 224 Hakka’s samples from 300 effective samples by quantitative , along with a in-depth interviewing in which the qualitative data analysis was adopted. The research result discovers: (1) Hakka Floral Fabric was built up at first by the promotion of the Council for Hakka Affairs , along with the applications in communities, industries, media and consumers. (2) The memory of floral fabric mainly exhibits the beauty and content of Hakka arts, creating the new culture value of floral fabric as well. (3) In day’s consumer behavior which emphasizes sign feature, floral fabric has become the sign of Hakka . (4) Hakka Floral Fabric acquired high extent of ethnic identification in recent society. With respect to the promotion of Hakka Floral Fabric , this study suggests to enhance the value and taste of floral fabric merchandise, its sense impression and stories, to promote the meaning of Hakka culture. Besides, researchers in the future of this field can further compare and contrast among different races....

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