首页>学位论文>  客家歌谣之多媒体於教学应用研究


作者:黄立涵 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【作者】 黄立涵

【关键词】 客家歌谣 多媒体 教学实验

【外文关键词】 Hakka Folk Song Multimedia instruction experiment







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接



【外文摘要】Multi-media and multi-culture becomes major trend of education. This research is to utilize the information technology to develop multimedia education materials for traditional and innovated Hakka Folk Songs in high school music education. This experiment also follows the concepts of Grade 1-9 goal at technology utilization. Experiment of producing and utilizing multi-media material at “Hakka Folk Song”Hakka is illustrated in this research. Four following elements are covered in this paper: “Hakka Folk Song”reference review, interviews of three Hakka Folk Song Outstanding Folk Art Master, editing interview record as multi-media “Hakka Folk Song teaching, and conclusion and suggestion based on case study of class clinics. Multi-media education materials provide excellent mutual reactions between students and instructors. The innovated education materials also present a sufficient avenue to introduce traditional minority culture to all students. Most student present positive feedback and also recognize the motivation to reach minority cultures from the innovated education materials....

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