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作者:叶尉 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:9

【外文题名】The Study of the Typical Ancestral Temple in Shenzhen Area

【作者】 叶尉


【关键词】 祠堂 广府 客家 保护

【外文关键词】 Key words: ancestral temple Guangfu Hakkas protect 







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【外文摘要】This paper in the ancestral temple in Shenzhen area for the study, The penmen dividing the Guangfu and Hakkas ancestral temple to study. We can find a lot of ancestral temple in Shenzhen area, and most of them built in Ming and Qing dynasty, all of them have high ornamental and archaeological value. By the study we can find, there have similarities and differences in consuetude between the Guangfu and Hakkas. The most important is the actuality of these ancestral temples. Many of them be destroyed. And some can’t be protected well. So we need increase the safeguard in each way. By way of protect these ancestral temples, the penmen bring forward four advices: first, increases the restore for these ancestral temples; second, follow up the scent protect these protected units; third, constitute the systemic layout; forth, increase drumbeating. Hopefully, this study could provide a valuable enlightenment and suggestion on incarnating the value of ancient folk house as well as the protection work....

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