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作者:侯小英 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:54

【外文题名】A comparative study of the southern group and the northern group of Longchuan Dialect

【作者】 侯小英

【关键词】 龙川方言 差异 比较

【外文关键词】 Longchuan dialect difference compare







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接

【摘要】bsp;  本文重点调查了龙川佗城和上坪两镇的口音,同时简要调查了老隆、通衢、鹤市、四都、车田、铁场、龙母、岩镇、麻布岗、细坳十镇口音,以佗城、上坪为代表,兼及其他各镇,从语音和词汇的描写、比较入手,分析龙川客家话的内部异同,并在内部比较的基础上,扩大到与邻近方言的外部比较,对龙川方言面貌作了一次较为全面的考察。    根据所调查的十二镇口音的异同,可将龙川方言大致划分为南片和北片。佗城、老隆、通衢、鹤市和四都等南部镇口音较相近,为南片;上坪、麻布岗、细坳、岩镇等北部镇口音差别不大,为北片;铁场虽然处于南部,但它的口音却和佗城等南部镇相差较远,而与相邻的五华基本一致,总的来说更接近北片口音;车田和龙母则表现出一定的南北镇过渡口音的性质。其中,北片口音与兴梅等地区的客家口音表现出较大的一致性,而南片口音,跟河源有很多的相同之处,跟增城、惠州等也有不少共同点。这种类型的客家话语音、词汇特点,有不少是跟粤语共有而跟梅县等多数客家话不同的,但我们却很难简单地认为这些特点都是受粤语影响的结果,只有在进行更全面、深入的调查研究后,才能得出客观的结论。...

【外文摘要】At present, the Hakka dialects in the midland of Guangdong have not got enough attention yet. For the dialects of Longchuan County, relevant research materials are quite scarce. To carry on overall description and comparison to the dialect of Longchuan not merely can find the new dialect characteristics and offer the new dialect materials for academic research, but also helps to investigate the reasons of existence of different accents in the county. This can tell us more about the relation between the dialects, and broaden our view into the characteristics and the historical substrata of the dialects of midland of Guangdong.    This paper focuses on the investigation of accents of the two towns Tuocheng and Shangping, and at the same time briefly reports accents of other ten towns as Laolong,Tongqu,etc. Using Tuocheng and Shangping as representatives, but giving consideration to other towns concurrently, it starts with from the description and comparison of the pronunciation and vocabulary, and analyse the internal similarities and differences of Hakka dialects of Longchuan. Then it is expanded to compare with dialect of the neighbouring areas. It has done comprehensive investigation to the dialect appearance of Longchuan County.    According to the similarities and differences of accents between 12 towns investigated, we can roughly divides the dialects of Longchuan into the southern and the northern groups. The accents of southern towns are relatively close to each others in Tuocheng, Laolong, Tongqu, Heshi and Sidu; and the differences between the accents of the northern towns such as Shangping,Mabugang,Xi’ao and Yanzhen are small. Although Tiechang is in the south, its accent is far from that of southern towns such as Tuocheng,etc.,and generally speaking closer to the accents in the north. As to Chetian and Longmu, their accents demonstrate the nature both of the north and the south. Among them, the accents of the northern group show greater consistency to Xingning- Meixian area, and the accents of the southern group have much in common with Heyuan and Huizhou. Some characteristics of this kind of Hakka dialect are the same as Yue dialect and differ from such most Hakka as Meixian County,etc. But we can not think surely these characteristics are all results influenced by Yue dialect.Only could we draw the objective conclusion after  carrying on more overall and deeper research....

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