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作者:朱培坤 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】An I Jing Interpretation of Lingnan Architectural Folklore

【作者】 朱培坤

【关键词】 岭南 建筑 民俗 易学 解读








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【摘要】最基本的要素,其中“住”除了讲究居室的合理建筑、装饰外,还要满足居者的心理需求,满足人的信仰和民俗习惯,那就是我们通常所讲的,要合符建筑民俗的要求。论文首先简要回顾了岭南建筑民俗的发展历程,对阴阳五行、四象八卦等基本概念做了初步解读,并对古今建筑民俗理论的发展与评价进行了综述;接着,论文结合五邑碉楼等案例,对岭南建筑民俗根在中原,以及江西形法派和理气派的观点进行分析,并指出了岭南建筑民俗的特征,是创意与建筑民俗的结合;在建筑形制的差异中,对广府、客家、潮汕民居的形制分别论述,岭南建筑的诸多事象也择要做了梳理;关于牌楼的个案调查突出体现了岭南建筑的特质;最后,论文结合本人的建筑实务,论述了建筑民俗的现实意义,以及在建筑民俗活动中,建筑民俗理论的具体使用与发展,还有岭南建筑民俗的发展趋向及其对现代社会生活的影响。作为结论,论文最后以生态学的观念作为建筑民俗发展走向的参考,提出建筑民俗从易理走向生态这一学术命题。笔者自小从农村长大,从事建筑实践活动多年,对居家建筑民俗的耳闻目染,积累了不少经验和体会,因此选择从岭南建筑的民俗文化来写论文,从而揭示建筑民俗这一玄虚的学问。其意义在于把影响广大民众生活的建筑民俗观念,总结归纳,阐明它存在的广泛性、影响性,从而指导人们的生活实践,对了解社会深层问题,解决乡村民俗文化问题,抚慰民众心理,构建和谐社会,都有着深远意义。 关键词 岭南 建筑 民俗 易学 解读...

【外文摘要】  This dissertation argues that the study of Feng Shui is meaningful on the basis of the writer’s personal experience and a number of cases existing among the people. Also, by studying historical documents and analyzing and summarizing the origin of Lingnan architectural folklore, as well as how it is affected by some different schools of Feng Shui theory, the dissertation gives a new interpretation of I Jing (Book of Changes) and Zhai Jing (Book of Dwelling), analyzes architectural folklore’s influence on people’s present and future life and understands it as a kind of abstractive local knowledge.“Clothes, food, accommodation and transportation” are basic aspects of our everyday life. “Accommodation” stresses rational design of layout and decoration. In addition, it should satisfy the psychological, religious and cultural demands of residents. That is what we usually mean when we say that accommodation has to meet the demands of “Feng Shui”. First, the dissertation briefly reviews the history of Lingnan architectural folklore, tentatively interprets the concepts of Yingyang, Wuxing and Bagua, and summarizes the development of Feng Shui theory, including some critical discussion. Second, the dissertation uses some cases, such as Wuyi Castles, to analyze the idea that Lingnan architectural folklore is rooted in Zhongyuan and the ideas of the Xingfa and the Liqi schools. The dissertation points out that the character of Lingnan architectural folklore is the combination of creativities and Feng Shui. The local-style dwelling houses of Canton, Hakka and Chaoshan are discussed in the section on differences of architectural structures and designs. Many Lingnan architectural items are briefly set out in this same section. The case studies of Pailou (stone gate) dwelling house focus on showing the character of Lingnan architecture. Last, linking with architectural practice, Feng Shui-based values of locations are justified and the usages and the development of Feng Shui theory in the architectural folk activities are discussed. Also, the trend of Lingnan architectural folklore and its influence on modern social life are expounded. In the conclusion, the dissertation refers to ecology and puts forward the proposition that architectural folklore will move from I Jing-theoretical to an ecological model.I have worked in architectural practice for years. I am very familiar with household Feng Shui and have accumulated a wealth of experience. Therefore, I chose Lingnan architectural folk culture as my dissertation topic in order to discover architectural folklore as an abstractive local knowledge. The objective of this dissertation is to summarize the idea of Feng Shui, which influences common people’s lives, to clarify that the idea is widely accepted and very influential, and to guide people’s everyday life. I hope that the dissertation will profoundly help with understanding the deep-rooted social problems, resolving folk culture problems of countryside areas, soothing people’s psychology and constructing a harmonious society.KeywordsLingnan Architecture Folklore the Study of I-Jing Interpretation...

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