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作者:许桂香 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】Historical Geographical Study on Dress in Lingnan

【作者】 许桂香

【关键词】 服饰 历史地理 区域分异 岭南








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【外文摘要】  The study on dress culture is now still at the beginning and exploring period in china. Discussing the relationships between dress and its geographical environment is a weak research field Cultural Geography. The following factors as remote geographical situation, special resources, tardier economic development and freguent culture interchange between China and foreign countries form the historical characters of its dress culture, such as fitting in with the geographical environment and the social development, combining various cultures and leading the tide of modern dress, etc. Therefore, it is of great importance in theory and in practice to take it as a research object. The main purposes of this paper are to find its historical geographical background of the formation of dress culture in Lingnan and to restore its historical cultural landscape of dress in Lingnan. It explores the relationships between the landscape and its origin geographical environment. It is supposed to make historical geographical research be substantial in content and at the same time to follow its good tradition of serving the local culture and economy.According to the relative theories and methods of the following subjects as historical geography, cultural geography, dress geography and folklore, it takes the historical changes of the dress culture in Lingnan as its longitude and the relationships between the dress in Lingnan and its historical environment as its latitude. The following research methods as document research、charts、historical profiles and field work, ect. are used to collect and arrange the materials in the research of the historical dress culture in Lingnan. Here are some conclusions:1、The formation and development of the dress culture in Lingnan is influenced both by its historical natural geographical conditions and its historical human geographical conditions. The historical natural geographical conditions play an important role in the development of the dress culture in Lingnan at the beginning of its formation period. The historical human geographical conditions encourage the development of the dress culture in Lingnan, which in certain circumstances, play a decisive role. The organic combination of them provides a necessary basis of the start of historical culture, the formation of cultural landscape and its regional differences.2、The changes and landscapes of dress culture in Lingnan show the rule of the relationships between human and nature from various aspects. The development of dress culture from the dress of Pre-Qin Arorigines to the Han dress as its main trend in Lingnan goes through a long history of changes. It shows the relationships between man and nature in Lingnan at different historical periods. Natural geographical environment plays a long and stable role in the formation of dress styles and features. The human geographical factors, especially the political factors of great historical events are of great importance in the changes of dress.The historical landscape of dress culture in Lingnan is mainly divided into material and immaterial landscape of dress culture, which reflects the relationships between man and nature in different periods through the combination and distribution of time and space and the integration of functions.3、The formation and development of the dress in Lingnan is a process of continuous diffusion, including the input and output of dress in Lingnan. The contents of Lingnan dress culture have been promoted and enhanced in this process, which forms the special dress cultural system in Lingnan and plays an important role in China. It also has a great influence and contribution on its surrounding or even overseas dress. This historical function is still playing its roles nowadays.4、Cultural district is one of the spatial units, divided by the differences of the leading cultural features in the different regions. The historical dress culture in Lingnan can be divided into the Han dress district and the minority one. In the same cultural district, its historical cultural features、cultural landscape and styles are similar. Every cultural district can be further divided into several sub-cultural districts, that is, sub-historical cultural district of Guangfu dress in the middle of Guangdong, sub-historical cultural district of Hakka dress in the northeast and north of Guangdong, sub-historical cultural district of Fulao dress in the east of Guangdong, Qiongzhou and Leizhou areas and sub-historical cultural district of minorities in Lingnan, which indicates the inner differences within one region. The division of dress culture in Lingnan shows the spatial diffences and distribution laws of the dress culture in Lingnan....

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