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作者:谢淑援 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】The Study of Taiwan Hakka Proverbs in the Numerals

【作者】 谢淑援

【关键词】 文化意涵 客家 俗谚语 数词

【外文关键词】 cultural connotation proverb Hakka







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【摘要】色;另一方面也藉著語義的內部形式表現,去認識數詞俗諺所反映的意象;並經由修辭學的分析,深入探究數詞在文學的表現活力與風貌。透過這樣的研究,期盼能了解數詞在俗諺中,使用習慣與語義表現的文化意涵,讓大眾更清楚客家族群的深層文化,進而更樂於應用在生活中,使其源遠流長。 客家俗諺數詞在搭配形式上、語意內容分類中、修辭的方式的研究探討中,得到以下幾點結果:一、數詞的使用情形與語義多寡成正比二、數詞表達語義內容,最重要的媒介是「人」與「物」三、數詞的修辭構詞明確,實虛之間應用靈活四、數詞文化反映出客家族群的文化特質五、數詞俗諺易學、易記的特徵,更適用於本土教學。...

【外文摘要】Although the Numerals of Hakka proverb is only a simple phrase, the philosophic theory behind the language is often provoking. It connotes plenty of the quality of science, nationality, region, and widespread, and it has value in literature. It s an issue which is worth studying and researching.This paper tries to discuss the cultural connotation in the Numerals of Hakka proverbs with the perspective of semantics. From collocating in the association of the form and semanteme form among the Numerals, on one hand, we can understand the using of Numerals between reality and fiction, on the other hand, we can know the image that the vulgar proverb of Numerals reflects from the use of the inside form of semanteme. And we research the Numerals in the performance, style and the features in literature thoroughly. With the research, we expect that everyone can understand the use habit and semanteme display of the cultural connotation. As a result, we can make the public know the deep culture of Hakka ethic groups and then apply to life, making it everlasting.From the research of the Numerals of Hakka proverb in the form of collocation, classification of the semantic content, approach of the rhetoric, we can have same following results:1. The Numerals in usage and semantic to the number is proportional.2. The words in the Numerals express semantic content, and the most important media are people and the thing .3. The rhetoric of Numerals morphology is explicit and flexible to apply between the real and imaginary.4. The Numerals Culture, it reflects Hakka ethnic groups in cultural characteristics.5. Numerals proverbs is easy to learn and remember the characteristics. Moreover, it is suitable to the teaching of rural local education....

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