首页>学位论文>  「蓝衫乐舞团」展演客家乐舞之形式及文化意涵


作者:林铭娆 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】the form of Hakka music and dance and its cultural meaning in the performances of Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe.

【作者】 林铭娆

【关键词】 蓝衫乐舞团 客家乐舞 文化意涵 客家文化

【外文关键词】 Hakka music and dance Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe cultural meanings Hakka culture







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【摘要】、演唱方式、舞蹈取徑、團員展演反思、節目編創構思、展演意涵以及「藍衫樂舞團」展演之社會教育功能與觀眾回響等多面向的理解,獲得以下研究成果與發現:一、「藍衫樂舞團」展演客家樂舞的形式多元。二、展現客家獨特意象的舞蹈文化。三、展現寓意深遠之客家文化意涵。四、具有不容忽視的社會教育功能。此外,亦發現「藍衫樂舞團」展演之困境。 最後根據研究結果,再對「藍衫樂舞團」、政府以及研究者三方面提出建議,俾供有關團體或日後研究者之參考。...

【外文摘要】The research is for the purpose of discussing the form of Hakka music and dance and its cultural meaning in the performances of Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe. The main objects of the study are Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe and its performances. This research adopts the method of qualitative research, which uses field study including participant observation and in-depth interview to collect information, and then combines bibliographies and the questionnaire survey to integrate, induce and confirm the elaboration of the researcher.Through the birth of the troupe, the organization of it, the way of singing, the choosing of dance, self-examination toward the members performances, the creation and arrangement of the programs, the meanings of the performances, the social education included in the performances of Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe, the audience s response and so on, this research obtains following findings: First, the Hakka music and dance in the performances of Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe are diversified. Second, they unfolds unique images of Hakka s dancing culture. Third, they develop profound Hakka cultural meanings. Fourth, they display the functions of social education which can t be ignored.Finding Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe has difficulties in performances.Finally, according to the results, I provide some suggestions toward Blue Shirts Music and Dance Troupe, the government as well as other researchers, and hope that these suggestions can become reference materials for other troupe or researchers in the future....

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