首页>学位论文>  从传统到现代:客家电视台新闻华客语词汇对应与转换之探析


作者:陈美蓉 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】From Traditional to Modern : An Analysis of the Translation between Mandarin Chinese and Hakka in Hakka News Reporting

【作者】 陈美蓉

【关键词】 客家话 方言 词汇 对应与转换 翻译

【外文关键词】 word equivalent and conversion translate dialect Keywords Hakka







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【外文摘要】This paper aims to find out obstacles during the process of translation between Mandarin Chinese and Hakka through personal working experience in news reporting at the Hakka TV Station. It also explores the beauty and the variety of Hakka words and phrases in both traditional and modern aspects. Through oral description by some elderly informants, library research, and hands-on observation, this paper tries to trace how the Hakka language lingers from traditional to modern aspects and to point out some major disparities between Hakka and Mandarin.The study of the Hakka language transformation begins with the examination of the common mistakes in terms of pronunciation committed by younger generation who speak Northern Sixian, a subdialect spoken mostly in Taoyuan and Miaoli Counties in Taiwan. Moreover, influenced by other languages, many new Hakka phrases have been coined while many traditional Hakka words or phrases become obsolete. This study tries to cite as many examples as possible to illustrate how Hakka terms borrowed from foreign languages, words or phrases used in the old society, and modern idioms can be translated and understood easily.The study is helpful for those who have to translate Mandarin into Hakka for Hakka news report . In conclusion, the study finds that in translating Mandarin into Hakka, one should avoid direct translation unless no appropriate words can be found....

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