首页>学位论文>  认识你的第二十四年:一个儿子的叙说探究


作者:林上能 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Twenty-fourth Year of Understanding My Father: A Narrative Inquiry of A Son

【作者】 林上能

【关键词】 叙说探究 父亲 再呈现 客家人 宗族 主体

【外文关键词】 narrative inquiry father representation Hakka patriarchal clan subject







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【摘要】大眾看待男性的觀點,在故事的探究、溯源、澄清、討論中漸漸發現、認識到更不一樣的父親:細膩、溫柔、情感豐沛、謙遜的男人。更從中看到客家人的歷史淵源、傳統客家宗族文化與習俗、糾葛的家庭關係、社會對男性的期待…如何影響著父親成為一個兒子、丈夫、父親等角色。 本研究除了呈現出一個兒子認識與靠近父親的歷程,也傳達出兩代之間男性難以言說的情感。更試以男性作為敘說探究的主體,呈現出其生命歷程,讓讀者更能從歷史、民族、文化、家庭、性別等背景脈絡,理解男性言行表徵所蘊藏的多元內涵。...

【外文摘要】I, as a inquirer, and a son. In order to represent a story how a male lived from 1950s until now. I tried to get my father' s original manuscripts of his life, and the dialogues, interactions, memories of daily life, replenishment of my mother, photographs together through narrative inquiry. The purpose of this inquiry was to expand the understanding to my father and get psychological approaching to him. I inquired, traced back, clarified, discussed the life stories with my father. And I found out my opinion to him changed from the stocked viewpoints of childhood, as how the whole society recognizing male, to understanding him with some different points: an exquisite, gentle, sentimental, humble man. Furthermore, I could understand him in the stories that how did the Hakka history, traditional patriarchal clan culture and customs, enmeshed family relationships, social expectations to male affect him to be a son, husband, and a father. This inquiry not only presented the process of how a son understand and approach his father but also convey the untold emotions between the generations. It also made a man as a subject of narrative inquiry and presented his life stories. Most importantly, this inquiry let the readers try to understand how plentiful the connotations of male representations have from the historical, racial, cultural, familial, gender-based contexts....

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