首页>学位论文>  石冈客家妇女九二一灾後生命历程的民族志


作者:刘宏钊 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:18

【外文题名】Shihkang Hakka Women Life Histories after the 921 Earthquake – An Ethnography

【作者】 刘宏钊

【关键词】 九二一 921 earthquake 客家妇女 Hakka women 伙房 lineage residence compound 传统厨艺 traditional kitchen skills 女性群组 female group

【外文关键词】 921 earthquake Hakka women lineage residence compound traditional kitchen skills female group







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【外文摘要】The Hakka women in Shihkang have to face the real need of the life, choice and breakthrough from the traditional family after the 921 earthquake disaster. Through the performance of the Hakka traditional food, they annotate the female character and the meaning of life practice. The psychologist worked mainly on the discussion about Post-traumatic stress disorder. In contrast, this study based on the anthropological theories and methods of ethnography aims at finding out what these Hakka women are suffering from. By observing and joining their live experience on the Shihkang Traditional Hakka Food Shop, and through their oral narration and actual participation, we can understand how the women face their life challenges after the disaster. This research found that the Hakka women kept realizing the huge life changes, searched for the strategies to survive and to transform their life style. In particular, women from the lineage residence compound not only play different roles in their life but also showed their elasticity during the harsh time. These women started to work in group for the traditional Hakka cuisine. Through the working group, they recognized the relationship between them, and the possibility of self-practice. Furthermore, they also realized the value and the full variety of women’s life. In the first chapter, it depicts the daily life of the women by describing the unique traditional big family and patrilineal descent groups in Shihkang region. The Chapter Two explores how the damage in the earthquake leaded these Hakka women to face psychological change and survival crisis. The Chapter Three stated women choose the pragmatic strategy to reconstruct their traditional houses and their big family. They took the traditional Hakka food out of their kitchen, displayed their special cuisine, and meanwhile they found their own performance field. The Chapter Fourth is the core chapter of the thesis. I observed and recorded these women from the Shihkang Traditional Hakka Food Shop about what they experienced during the harsh times. We can specifically observe these women how to cluster in group after the disaster. Continuing the preceding chapter, the Chapter fifth analyzes the life changes of these Hakka women after the earthquake 921. Herewith we discussed about self-approval of females and the meaning of life value. Finally, in the conclusion chapter, I try to link the studies of earthquake disaster, the Hakka traditional family and the gender roles together under this ethnographic case....

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