【外文题名】The Study of Phonetics of Shi Cheng Dialect
【作者】 赖汉林
【外文关键词】 Kakka MrdarinShicheng DialectZhonggu readingsCharacter
【外文摘要】As a main part of kakka Mardarin, Shi cheng Dialect belongs to the segment of NingLong speeches. Shicheng lies in the sonth east of Jiangxi province, between kakka Mardarin and kan Mardarin, so its character contains the two dialects, so some bachelor arnument that it belongs to kan Mardarin.In the sonthern dialects, Ru-sheng is the importment character of them. Shi chegn Dialect is much better preserved Ru-sheng. Shicheng Dialect is thoroughly described through the stedy of thesysterm of its phonects ......
- 1、石城话声韵调调查分析 作者:赖汉林 年份:暂无
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- 4、江西石城话属客方言质疑 作者:陈荣华 年份:暂无
- 5、石城话的语法特点 作者:赖汉林 年份:暂无
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