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作者:李琴 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】A study on quan-zhuo-shang switched to qu in Chinese tone

【作者】 李琴

【关键词】 浊上变去

【外文关键词】 quan zhuo shang and qu







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【摘要】声,南方方言演变仍在继续。明清时,浊上变去格局接近现代。 现代方言浊上变去分为“官话型”和“非官话型”两种,“官话型”浊上变去包括官话和一些湘方言,全浊上声变为去声,次浊上声归清上声。“非官话型”浊上变去包括吴方言、赣方言、客家方言、闽方言、粤方言、徽方言,全浊上声变化复杂,次浊上声归属不定。 浊上变去最重要原因是全浊上声和浊去声调值的相似,古上声为高平调,浊母使声调初始变得低沉,形成上升调,调值接近去声调,二者渐渐合并。浊上变去的过程可以分为三步:全浊上声—浊去声—阳去—去声。浊上变去符合词汇扩散理论,演变以词语(全浊上声字)为单位一个一个进行。因而同一时代出现三种全浊上声字:已变为去声的全浊上声字,正在变化的全浊上声字,未变的全浊上声字。这就形成浊上变去的共时差异。...

【外文摘要】Combining diachronic documents with synchronic dialect difference, the paper discussed the time sequence, reason and steps of tone evolution from quan-zhuo-shang to qu in the history of Chinese phonetics. The tone evolution is in accordance with Lexical diffusion theory. In Han-Wei dynasty, some individual words switched from shang tone to qu tone. In Tang dynasty, more and more words became qu tone. In Song-Yuan dynasty, with its climax period came, the evolution almost completed on the northern mandarin and was extensively expanded on the southern dialects. In Ming-Qing dynasty, the pattern of modern Chinese language tone formed. In modern Chinese dialects, the evolution has been divided into two kinds: mandarin and non-mandarin. The former includes mandarin and the part of Xiang dialect; the latter includes Wu dialects, Min dialects, Yue dialects and Hui dialects. The main reason of tone evolution is that the quan-zhuo-shang and qu tone have similar pitch. Influenced by voiced initial consonant, the ancient shang tone pitch, high and level, fell and formed rise pitch, which is similar to qu tone pitch, and ultimately merged into qu tone. The proceeding of evolution experienced three steps: quan-zhuo-shang to zhuo-qu, zhuo-qu to yang-qu, yang-qu to yin-qu....

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