首页>学位论文>  客家高龄妇女之成功老化感知探讨


作者:郑钰静 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】Hakka elderly women’s perceptions of successful aging:A qualitative exploration.

【作者】 郑钰静

【关键词】 成功老化 高龄女性 客家文化

【外文关键词】 Successful aging Elderly women Hakka culture







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【摘要】不同,但相關的研究並不多,是以,本研究以Torress 提出的成功老化文化相關理論為理論架構,以了解客家高齡婦女之成功老化感知,其研究問題有二:(1)客家高齡婦女認為成功老化包含哪些要素?(2)客家文化如何形塑客家高齡婦女對成功老化的感受與看法?本研究以新竹縣竹東鎮為研究場域,深度訪談十位客家高齡婦女後發現:客家高齡婦女所欲的成功老化之要素包含:(1)身體健康、(2)足夠的經濟能力、(3)被孝順的感受、(4)家庭圓滿、及(5)善終。再者,本研究也發現:客家文化中存在的四種價值觀:(1)強調勤勞的社會規範、(2)重視家庭的核心價值、(3)以子為中心的孝道觀、及(4)傳統與現代文化交纏形塑出對善終的期望,形塑客家婦女對成功老化的觀點。...

【外文摘要】The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of successful aging from Hakka women’s perspectives. Two research questions guided this study: (1)How do Hakka elderly women define successful aging? (2)How do Hakka cultures shape the perceptions of successful aging of Hakka older women? A qualitative design was employed and the final interviewees were 10 older Hakka women who aged 65 andover and lived in Chu-tung township in Hsinchu County.This study helped build an understanding of what successful aging means by asking older adults themselves. For these older Taiwanese women, successful aging was defined as (1) being healthy, (2) having enough finance, (3) children’s showingfilial piety , (4)being harmonious in family, (5) having a good death. Four culturalfactors were found relevant to the perceived successful aging: (1) regardinghard-working as a social norm, (2) regarding family as a core value, (3) emphasizingfilial piety, (4) traditional and modern culture intertwined and shaped the expectationof a good death....

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