首页>学位论文>  非营利组织传扬客家文化之研究-以新竹县客家文化发展协会客语


作者:何瑞珍 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:15

【外文题名】The Research in How Non-Profit Organizations Promote Hakka Culture — HsinChu County Hakka Culture Development Association as case study

【作者】 何瑞珍

【关键词】 客语童诗 非营利组织 客家文化

【外文关键词】 Hakka culture Non profit organizations Hakka rhymes







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【摘要】出中肯的政策性建議。 研究發現包括:(1)在組織運作方面,「協會」會務十分單純,會務實際運作情形與章程規範內容相比,並無任何差異。(2)在客家文化傳揚方面,「新竹縣客家文化發展協會」舉辦的客家文化活動,不僅聯絡鄉親的情誼,且凝聚客家族群的內聚力。其中有不少非客家族群和外籍新娘也樂在活動中,提升居民對客家文化的認識與瞭解,達到族群融合、客家文化廣傳之效益。(3)在客語童詩推廣方面,全國客語童詩創作大賽活動在客家文化傳揚上最重要的影響,是比賽背後所帶動的客家文化生生不息的漣漪效應,即在整個賽前醞釀過程中會產生很多活化、創新的東西。這股擴張力和感染力,對於客家文化的復甦與傳揚有相當大的效益和貢獻,厚實了客家兒童文學的基礎,更達成民族命脈延續的使命,這是本研究認為客語童詩的推廣真正意義與其核心價值的貢獻。...

【外文摘要】This study focuses on how non-profit organizations work on the promotion of Hakka culture. Hsinchu County Hakka Culture Development Association is further discussed as a case study. The methods used in this research include literature analysis, on-site observation and in-depth interview. MAXQDA software is also used to analyze the interview materials. This quantitative method facilitates the study coming to a more reliable conclusion closer to the real practice. The research findings include: 1. The operation of the association in practice: The business of the association is rather simple. There is no big difference between the real operation and the charters of the association. The daily operation goes smoothly on track as scheduled. 2. Promotion of Hakka culture: The Hakka culture events organized by the association unite the local Hakka people together by enhancing mutual relationships and promoting the consensus of the community. Not only the Hakkas, people from other ethnic groups and foreign spouses also enjoy the activities. These activities enable the local residents to gain more knowledge and understanding on Hakka culture. This also encourages the reconciliation of ethnic groups and promotes Hakka culture. 3. Promotion of Hakka rhymes: The national contest of writing Hakka rhymes has great influence on Hakka culture promotion, as the continuing ripple effects of the event spread. The preparation for the contest brings out innovation. The contagious power of influence and expansion makes great contribution to the resurrection and promotion of Hakka culture. This is also where this study considers the true value of promoting Hakka rhymes and Hakka culture lies....

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