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作者:高孟婷 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:6

【外文题名】Analysis of Hakka Trendy Drama from the View of Aesthetic Economics

【作者】 高孟婷

【关键词】 偶像剧 客家 美学经济

【外文关键词】 Aesthetic Economics Hakka trendy drama







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【外文摘要】Culture and innovation are foundations of the aesthetic economics. The biggest difference between Hakka trendy drama and general trendy dram is Hakka element. In other words, Hakka trendy drama demonstrates the life story of modern Hakka young men and women. Hakka trendy drama originates from Hakka culture and links the modern Hakka life element with the techniques and expression of trendy drama. The story is close to people, events, places and scenes in the modern Hakka culture. Through its cultural influences, reinterpretation and reconstruction of Hakka style, fashion and aesthetic structures. In brief, this research probes into Hakka trendy drama from the angle of aesthetic economics. The researcher hopes this study can help people further discover the essence and characteristics of Hakka trendy drama and understand how this type of drama can influence and inspire the continuation of Hakka culture....

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