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作者:徐静兰 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:21

【外文题名】The Research on the History of the Han Migration of the Seven Hakka Clans to the Xiaoli Region in Northern Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 徐静兰

【关键词】 涌泉 霄里大圳 霄里 移垦 客家

【外文关键词】 Da Chun Hakka Migration Spring water Xiaoli







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【摘要】姓的拓墾情形。 研究問題:首先探討霄裡客家七姓各家先祖來台緣由及各家族人發展;其次探究當地人文環境及地理條件,如何影響客家七姓聚落的分佈。企圖以拓墾、族群互動、水圳開發及三官大帝信仰等研究議題,深入了解霄裡當地客家人的開發歷程與社會組織的運作。 研究結果發現:霄裡客家七姓族人在桃園臺地的墾拓過程中,逐漸認同當地社會,初期的原鄉祖籍認同,被在地認同取代。霄裡客家七姓聚落的發展過程,亦是當地凱達格蘭族霄裡社,從原住民占社會優勢地位,逐漸為漢人取代的過程。另外,中壢臺地崁崖下湧泉帶連成一線的霄裡客家七姓聚落,即為清代南桃園地區客家人移墾的北界。此外,霄裡玉元宮奉祀的三官大帝,原屬於霄裡大圳的三官祠所奉祀的神明,以後形成玉元宮、永昌宮、三元宮與元聖宮等四宮輪祀三界爺爐的祭祀圈。...

【外文摘要】Introduction: This research thesis centers on the history of the Han migration of the seven Hakka clans to the Xiaoli region in Northern Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. The analysis of the early migration and settlement in Xiaoli of the seven clans was based on four key areas, i.e. social background of the migration, intercultural interactions, religious beliefs, and waterworks. Data was collected through on-site interviews, family trees, and historical texts, to elucidate the migration history and conditions of the seven Hakka clans in the Xiaoli region during the Qing Dynasty. Research Question: The first investigation centered on the motivation behind the Hakka migration to Taiwan and the subsequent development of each clan. Subsequently, the native people, culture and environment’s impacts on the distribution and settlement of the seven clans were investigated. Research topics such as land development, intercultural relations, irrigation, and religious beliefs are aimed at elucidating an in-depth understanding of the development history and social structure of the seven clans. Research Results: During the process of developing Taoyuan mesa, the seven clans slowly came to identify with the local society, moving from identification by the towns of origin on the mainland to a local identity in Taiwan. The development of the seven clans replaced the dominance by the native Ketagalan tribe in Xiaoli. Furthermore, the spring water under the cliff of the Chungli mesa resulted in the linear development of settlements of the seven clans, which formed the northernmost boundary of Hakka migration in Southern Taoyuan during the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the San-Yuan god in the Yu-Yuan Temple was originated from the San-Guan temple in Da Chun, Xiaoli, has subsequently been worshipped in the religious sphere, formed by Yu-Yuan Temple, Yong-Chang Temple, San-Yuan Temple and Yuan-Shen Temple....

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