【外文题名】A Study of Palace Marketing Strategies for Hakka Cultural Historic Monument:Xinpu Township,Hsinchu County
【作者】 曾昭儒
【关键词】 客家 文化古迹 地方文化行销 SWOT分析 新竹县新铺镇
【外文关键词】 Hakka Historic Monument Place Culture Marketing SWOT Analysis Xinpu Township
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【摘要】主要採取三種研究方法,包括文獻探討法、深度訪談法以及SWOT分析法,探析其優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,進一步研擬新竹縣新埔鎮客家文化古蹟之地方文化5P行銷策略,包含產品(Product)、價格(Price)、通路(Place)、推廣(Promote)、公私夥伴(Public-Private Partnership),並從短期、中期、長期三期程提出政策建議。 本研究發現: 一、古蹟價值受到政府重視; 二、地方未凝聚共識; 三、府際溝通未暢通; 四、公部門與古蹟所有權人對古蹟修繕態度不一; 五、缺乏整體性之地方文化行銷策略。...
【外文摘要】The object of this study is Xinpu Township of Hsinchu County The purpose is to discover the history of eight historic monument in Xinpu Township; understanding how these historical interests play as an important role in the HakKa area, and their significance to the HakKa group. Base on the theory of local culture marketing and experience to study how the local government could use the resources of historic monument to develop the future marketing plan with HakKa culture. Therefore, three methods will be using in the study, including documentation study, interviewing, and SWOT analysis to analyze the advantage, disadvantage, opportunity, and threat in order to draw up the 5P marketing strategy (Product, Price, Place, Promote, Public-Private partnership) of Hakka culture. From short, mid, and long term ; bring up suggestions to the government . Discovery of the Study 1. The government start to pay attention on the value of historic monument. 2. Cannot build up the common consensus between the local residents, government and owner of historic monument. 3. Cannot keeping good communications with the government. 4. government and monument owner with different attitudes of repair historic monument. 5. Lack of overall of the place culture marketing strategy....
- 1、客家文化古迹与地方行销策略之研究-以桃园县大溪镇为例 作者:陈俊元 年份:暂无
- 2、臺北縣客家文化園區行銷策略之研究 作者:吳佳欣 年份:暂无
- 3、客家休闲农业区经营策略之研究:以照门休闲农业区为例 作者:卢美枝 年份:暂无
- 4、赣南客家文化旅游的SWOT分析 作者:周思超 年份:暂无
- 5、梅州发展客家文化产业的SWOT分析 作者:古广胜 年份:暂无
- 6、福建省上杭县步云乡生态养生旅游SWOT分析与发展对策 作者:石建辉 年份:暂无