【外文题名】The study of business strategy for Hakka recreational agriculture district--A case study of the Jhaomen Recreational Agriculture District
【作者】 卢美枝
【外文关键词】 business strategy recreational agriculture district SWOT analysis
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【摘要】依據SWOT分析結果研擬出照門休閒農業區的經營策略。 本研究認為照門休閒農業區的經營策略如下:公部門可採取的策略包括1.提供業者相關的輔導與訓練。2.爭取經費擴大辦理相關的活動,吸引人潮。3.輔導業者合法申請休閒農場的執照。4.加強解說服務管理的功能。 照門休閒農業區業者可採取的經營策略有1.積極參與相關的輔導與訓練,提昇其經營管理能力。2.善用休閒農業區之內部優勢與外部機會,避免內部劣勢及外部威脅。3.結合大專院校推動校外實習培養休閒產業人才。4.維持良好的遊憩品質,避免過度開發。5.加強改善農特產品的包裝設計,以提昇產品的價值感。6.加強區內推動管理委員會功能,積極溝通區內成員間的互動與聯繫。7.結合附近知名旅遊景點推動休閒旅遊。藉此提供相關單位及休閒農業區的業者做為參考,改善經營管理方式與行銷策略方法,以提昇更佳的服務品質,吸引遊客來此旅遊的意願。...
【外文摘要】In this case study, the Xinpu Town Jhaomen Recreational Agriculture District is investigated. First, we use questionnaires to find the consumer behavior, satisfaction, loyalty and other basic information of the tourists. Second, we conduct in depth interviews to relevant departments and businesses in this district to understand the elements of the 6P marketing strategies, which include product, price, place, promotion, people, and public relations, as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Through internal analysis and external analysis, finally, basing on the SWOT analysis, we develop the business strategies for the Jhaomen Recreational Agriculture District. This study proposes to the government departments the following business strategies for the Jhaomen Recreational Agriculture District. 1. Provide relevant counseling and training for businesses. 2.Obtain funding to expand relevant activities to attract the crowds. 3.Counsel businesses to apply for legal recreational farm licences. 4.Enhance the tour guide and lobbyist service management functions. Businesses in the Jhaomen Recreational Agriculture District may apply the following strategies. 1.Actively participate in the relevant counseling and training to enhance their operation management capabilities. 2.Make the best use of internal strengths of the recreational agriculture district and external opportunities and avoid internal weaknesses and external threats. 3.Collaborate with colleges to promote extramural internship to cultivate recreational industry professionals. 4.Maintain good quality recreation. Avoid over-exploitation. 5.Improve the package design of agricultural products to enhance the value of the products. 6. Enhance the functions of the district management committee. Communicate with the district members through active interaction and contact. 7.Integrate nearby famous tourist attractions to promote recreational tours. This provides references to the relevant departments and businesses, to improve operation and management methods, and marketing strategies to enhance better service quality to attract tourists and to bring about their motives to visit....
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