首页>学位论文>  民众日常使用语言与政党认同关联之研究


作者:林于茜 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:9

【外文题名】Research of Language Use and Party Identification.

【作者】 林于茜

【关键词】 政治社会化 境遇论 语言 政党认同 语族活力理论

【外文关键词】 political socialization instrumentalism language party identification Ethnolinguistic Vitality theory EV)







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【摘要】而語言的活力是否旺盛,則可利用語族活力理論理檢視之,其中包含了三個重要的因素:人口、地位以及制度的支持。 在台灣, 語言的使用主要可以分為國語、閩南語、客家語、國台語並用及國客語並用。由於國民黨政府來台,帶來了國語政策,欲藉由國語增加民眾對其認同以及政權正當性,因此日常使用語言為國語者的政黨認同會偏向泛藍。而閩南語被民進黨賦予政治意涵,其或許利用了較多數人使用的閩南語製造了「我群」的概念,吸引了日常使用語言為閩南語者的支持。日常使用語言為客家語者、國台語並用者在藍綠多元文化衝突下,其政黨認同傾向中立。最後,日常使用語言為國客語並用者由於國語的語族地位優於客家語,使國客語並用者有傾向泛藍的趨勢,且未來仍有繼續關注的價值。...

【外文摘要】Party Identification, originating from political socialization, is an important factor in party politics. This study attempts to research party identification by focusing on another agency, language. Besides exchanging information, communicating and cohereing sentiment, language also can be a tool to recognize the voter’s party identification. The way to learn languages is very diverse, so we can’t deduce one’s language use by his/her sengi. Therefore the process of language learning is called “instrumentalism”. Ethnolinguistic Vitality theory (EV), social-psychological approach to the relationship between language and identity, contains three indexes (population, position and institutional support) to examine the vitality of language. Official language (OL) use, Min-nan language (ML) use, Hakka language (HL) use, Official language and Min-nan language (OML) use, Official language and Hakka language (OHL) use are the major languages in Taiwan. This study discovered the findings. Because KMT tried to raise people’s identity and support by executing “Official Language Policy”, OL users tend to support Pan-Blue Parties according to the research. On the other hand, ML has “population” advantage, so DDP may use this advantage to distinguish the party identification from KMT, thus ML users tend to support Pan-Green Parties. HL users and OML users are affected by the both sides’ ideolog, causing them becoming the median voter. OHL users tend to support Pan-Blue Parties because OL’s vitality is higher than HL, and it implies that OHL user often use OL to decide their party identification. This study find out the relation between language use and party identification and this issue is still worth for further research....

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