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作者:徐翠真 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:24

【作者】 徐翠真

【关键词】 方言接触 入声 家话入声

【外文关键词】 language investigation entering tone words Hakka phonology language







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】In Chinese Phonology, the historical development of the entering tone isquite different from the other three ones. There are various rules ofdevelopment and thus a variety of forms of an entering-tone word in moderndialects. Till now, the study of the entering tone is one of the most significantparts of the study of Chinese Phonology. The entering tone conserves only infew Chinese dialects. Issues and problems of the entering tone should be dealtwith again both diachronically and synchronically. The process of people smigration is also concerned in this research.This study aims on the entering-tone words in Sixian Hakka, with Guang Yun as a comparison. After the comparative analysis, we can seehow the sounds changed and find out loan words from other Chinese ornon-Chinese dialects. Also, we may probably solve the problems of theoriginal characters of the sounds and the historical stratum of sounds inSixian Hakka.The data discussed in this research are 607 entering-tone words from ( Word List for Dialect Investigation ) . We have comparedthe modern sounds with Guang Yun so as to examine the sound-changerules and directions. We have also applied the concept of language contactand lexical diffusion in our analysis....

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