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作者:江淑娟 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】A discussion on Hakka image words

【作者】 江淑娟

【关键词】 文化探讨 比喻 词汇 形象词 客家话

【外文关键词】 vocabulary cultur Hakka image words metaphor







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【外文摘要】Language has three elements: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.All of these sides contains a very rich cultural connotations. Including "Words" is the basic element and unit of language.Language is the communication tool. Contact the life of human.And rich culture of human. It is a great creation.In this thesis, choose " Hakka image words" as the theme. Hakka, a Chinese dialect.It alters with other cultures influence. It has been in some crisis and change. Image of the vocabulary words are ordinary people living in very general terms.It's not easy to be confused with foreign words. The cultural elements are also the most varied and extensive. Want to find more original, more people's lives and colloquial vocabulary. Then spread the art of Hakka culture. To study Hakka language, Discussion " the image words" is an important theme.Language as an essential tool for daily communication to the vocabulary. Can be seen everywhere in daily life the most. Metaphorical image words get material from everyday life.It seems to be relly clear.Collection of terms, confirms most of the Hakka population are the mountaineers. Fewer near by the beach. Because long-term residents in the mountain. Things they immediate see like animals, insects, plants of the words also reflect the characteristics of forest species.In the study, found the image of the word Hakka. It's the use of observed shape, with an analogy method name. Or analog sound to give the name. It can reflect the Chinese people characteristics of concrete thinking. And these vivid words a picturesque image of the Hakka language and culture which has become a special part of the cultural meaning....

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