首页>学位论文>  越南华人迁移史与客家话的使用:以胡志明市为例


作者:吴静宜 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】The Emigration History of Vietnamese Chinese and Their Use of Language A Preliminary Study of Hakka in Ho Chi-Minh City

【作者】 吴静宜

【关键词】 客家话 越南华人 越南客家人 语言竞争 母语教学

【外文关键词】 The competition of languages Mother tongue teaching Hakka language Hakka people in Vietnam Chinese Vietnamese







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【摘要】統一前後當地政府的華人教育政策、華人社區中的語言競爭對客家話發展所產生的影響。基於以上的論述,筆者將藉由文獻的蒐集、田野現場的觀察以及配合口述訪談等方式採錄相關的資料,來呈現華族在越南歷史上舉足輕重的地位,客家人在越南族群中的獨特性,以及越南客家話在複雜的語言環境下所產生變化的情形。從本研究發現越南華族及客家族群的遷移,與中越兩國在近代歷史上幾次重要的戰役有關,而越南華族在越南歷史上無論是政治、經濟、社會、文化等各方面都有許多的貢獻。至於越南客家族群與當地少數民族,不管在北越或南越地區,往來十分頻繁,特別是與艾族(Dân Tộc Ngái)、儂族(Dân Tộc Nùng)的關係都非常密切。在語言方面,越南客家族群在僑居國多語言、多方言的語言環境下,借入不少漢語及非漢語方言族群的詞彙,即使是客家人群聚的大本營胡志明市,客家話依然受到廣府話結構性的滲透。此外,越南政府在統一前後的語言政策,使客家話的發展出現斷層現象,華人社區中激烈的語言競爭環境,也讓客家話的傳承出現了危機。...

【外文摘要】Hakka people (Người Hẹ) of Chinese ethnic group (Dân Tộc Hoa) in Vietnam is the main object of study. This thesis aims at discussing the history of Hakka immigrants in Vietnam and their language situation. From the chronological framework of Hakka migration from their homeland, mainland China, to Vietnam, the relationship between Hakka and other local ethnic minorities is the focus of discussion. Language contact between Hakka and local ethnic groups, including different Chinese dialect ethnic groups, had became competition among languages in use. Both the government policy of Chinese language education and language competition among Chinese communities are the key factors on the impact on the development of Hakka language in Vietnam. Based on field works and literature reviews, the author constructs the history of Chinese people in Vietnam as a whole and looks at the pivotal position of the Hakka people and their language change in Vietnam in particular. The first-handed observations and interviews in Vietnam, Taiwan and other places, help the author to rebuild the new memory of Hakka in Vietnam.From this study the author found that Hakka language could be understood better by the framework of migration history and language competition. Migration history could help the understanding of the distribution of Hakka people in Vietnam. It made the situation of Hakka language different in North Vietnam from South Vietnam region. There are two other minorities in Vietnam, Ngaí (Dân Tộc Ngaí) and Nung (Dân Tộc Nùng), whose language are similar to the Hakka language. The thesis identifies different pattern of language borrowing from other languages. A detailed case study was conducted in Ho Chi Minh City where there is the biggest Hakka community in Vietnam. The relation between Hakka and Cantonese language was discussed in the thesis. In addition, language policy from Government and its impact on Hakka language would be further discussed....

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