首页>学位论文>  客家社区非营利组织治理原则之研究:以新竹县某协会为例


作者:黄美容 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】The Research in Hakka community for managing principals of non- profit Organization. Take anonymous Association of Hsinchu County as the sample

【作者】 黄美容

【关键词】 非营利组织治理 治理 客家社区

【外文关键词】 hakka community non profit organization of governance governance







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【外文摘要】Although the packages from different collaborations, such as Community Development The integrated community construction and 921 reconstructions carried out by Council for Cultural Affairs in 1994 and 1999, a business section of a city and shopping district promoted by Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1995, Community-Oriented Social Welfare addressed by Ministry of interior in 1997, community environment rebuilding strategies implemented by Environment Protection Administration in 1997 and The learning community moved by Ministry of education in 1998, were set into actions in each ways of economic, education, culture, environment and welfare, the attentions altogether lie in the popular. Starting with the most common unit in which we live, the government inspired residents to strive for their self and home with passion and consensus, and then enhance the whole living quality and surrounding in communities.The interview center of gravity lies in the organization to govern the behavior the inquisition, Carries on half structural formula interview analysis take the anonymous Association of Hsinchu County as the object, From core personnels' responsibility interaction relations discussion the anonymous association's government situation, the analysis association governs the state to participate in the influence to the Hakkas culture operation with the community populace....

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