首页>学位论文>  慢性病病人之成人健康知能程度与医疗资源利用相关性之研究


作者:李懿伦 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Relationship between Adult Health Literacy Level and Medical Resource Utilization in Chronic Disease Patients

【作者】 李懿伦

【关键词】 成人健康知能 慢性病 医疗利用

【外文关键词】 health literacy chronic disease medical utilization







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【摘要】從醫囑行為、用藥常識以及慢性病自我照護行為的重要因子。本研究採用1999年Baker與Parker等所共同發表的成人功能性健康知能測驗簡短版(Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults, S-TOFHLA)進行中文翻譯與修訂,以成本研究用之問卷,用以測驗本國民眾健康知能程度,以瞭解慢性病病人之健康知能程度與其醫療資源利用的關係。本研究的目的包括一、引進成人功能性健康知能測驗,並配合國內社會、文化情形,進行適度中文版的修訂。二、瞭解慢性病病人的成人健康知能程度的高、低與分布。三、探討健康知能程度與慢性病病人之性別、年齡、族群、社經程度等人口學特徵變項之差異。四、探討慢性病病人之成人健康知能程度與醫療資源利用之關係。

本研究之設計係採取回溯性、橫斷式研究設計模式,以結構式問卷收集之初級資料(primary data),建立慢性病病人之健康知能程度及基本人口學特徵資料庫;醫療資源利用則採用衛生署旗山醫院醫療費用資料庫之次級資料(secondary data)進行分析。問卷內容包括基本資料與健康知能測驗二部分。健康知能測驗係翻譯自成人功能性健康知能測驗簡短版(S-TOFHLA);基本資料則包括,性別、年齡、族群、家庭年收入及受教育年限。本研究資料收集方式採方便取樣方式進行,以主診斷為糖尿病、心臟疾病、高血壓、攝護腺肥大等慢性病病人,同意接受研究並簽署研究同意書者,作為研究對象,於2007年10月至2008年3月間共收集355位至衛生署旗山醫院就診且符合收案條件之慢性病病人,再回溯受訪者於2005年1月1日至2008年1月1日共三年期間,在署立旗山醫院之所有醫療資源利用情形,包括有門診就診次數、急診就診次數,住院日數及醫療費用做分析比對。



Health literacy is the ability to read and understand written materials commonly encountered in health care settings. However, functional health literacy indicates the reading and numeracy skills required to fully understand and act on health information. According to the previous studies, health literacy could play an important role in affecting health knowledge, health behavior, refill adherence, understanding prescription list and self-management skills of chronic disease patients. We translate and edit the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in adults (S-TOFHLA) developed by Baker et.al. in 1999 to Chinese edition. In this study, we use the translated S-TOFHLA Chinese test to examine health literacy level for Taiwanese. Our aim is to research the relationship between health literacy level and medical resource utilization in chronic disease adults. The objectives in our study are: 1.Introduce the popular short test of functional health literacy in adults into Taiwan in Chinese edition. We try to revise the examination to adapt to our culture and society. 2. Survey the percentage and distribution of health literacy adequate, marginal and inadequate levels in chronic disease adults. 3. Discuss the differences of the demographic characters such as gender, age, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity with health literacy level in chronic disease adults. 4. Analyze the relationship between the health literacy level and medical resource utilization in chronic disease adults.

This was a retrospective, cross-sectional design study. We used structural questionnaires to collect the information about demography and health literacy of chronic disease patients. Medical resource utilization data was a secondary data from Chi-Shan hospital medical utilization database. Health literacy was examined by the S-TOFHLA and demographic characteristics including gender, age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Study population was sampling with convenience method in Chi-Shan hospital OPD. From 2007 October to 2008 March, there were 355 patients with diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and benign prostate enlargement enrolled into this study. All the participants needed to sign the informed consent of the survey. Medical resource utilization was defined as the frequency of OPD visit, the frequency of ER visit, the days of admission and the costs of medical resource from 2005-1-1 to 2008-1-1 of the participants.

All 355 patients were eligible and enrolled into this study. There were 221 (62%) male and the other 134(38%) female participants. Mean age at enrollment was 67±11 years, while 214(60%) participants were older than 65 years. Mean education years of patients were 7.6±4.4 years, while 208(59%) cases average education year less than 8 years. All of 216(61%) cases had total annual income of family less than 200 thousand NTD. All cases of 213(60%) were Minnan ethnic population, 112(31%) were Hakka population, and 30(9%) were Mainlander population. Average functional health literacy scores were 59.4±29.6;average numeracy scores were 18.8±9.6;average reading comprehension scores were 40.6±23.1, respectively. There were 184(52%) cases in adequate literacy group (67~100 scores),37(10%) cases in marginal literacy group (54~66 scores), and the other 134(38%) cases in inadequate literacy group (0~53 scores). Mean scores of health literacy of male were statistic difference than female (62.8±25.0 versus 53.8±35.2, p=0.010). There were significant differences in functional health literacy across age groups, education strata, and annul family income strata (p<0.001) in ANOVA. Across ethnicity groups, no significant differences was found in functional health literacy (p=0.135). Sum of health literacy scores was significantly associated with age and education years. However, sum of health literacy scores was not significantly associated with frequency of OPD visit and costs of OPD...

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