首页>学位论文>  原住民地区国中教师对多元文化教育之态度----从族群面向研究


作者:张家蓉 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:33

【外文题名】Attitudes of Junior High School Teachers in Aboriginal District toward Multicultural Education----Analyzing from "Ethnic"

【作者】 张家蓉

【关键词】 多元文化教育 内容的统整 知识的建构 偏见的减除 平等的教学 赋权的学校文化

【外文关键词】 multicultural education content integration knowledge construction prejudice reduction equity padagogy empowering school cultural







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一、 原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度:
二、 不同個人變項之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度差異情形:
(一) 不同性別之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度無顯著差異。
(二) 不同族群之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在,且原住民教師對多元文化教育的態度比閩南籍、客家籍和外省籍教師要來得積極。
(三) 不同學歷之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度無顯著的差異。
(四) 不同任教年資之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在。
(五) 擔任不同職務之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度無顯著差異。
(六) 任教不同科目之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在。
(七) 接受多元文化教育課程與否之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在。
三、 不同環境變項之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度:
(一) 不同任教地區之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度無顯著差異。
(二) 不同類型學校之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度無顯著差異。
(三) 學校對推行多元文化教育態度不同之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在,且認為學校支持多元文化教育的教師比不清楚情況的教師態度要來得積極。
(四) 本身與不同文化接觸經驗之原住民地區國中教師對多元文化教育的態度有顯著差異存在,且經常接觸之教師對多元文化教育的態度比偶爾接觸和不曾接觸的教師要來得積極。
四、 多元文化教育態度五個分量表之間呈顯著的正相關,且各分量表與總量表之間亦呈顯著的正相關。

【外文摘要】The purpose of this study is to explore attitudes of junior high school teachers in aboriginal district toward multicultural education. The methods are utilized here are literature-analyzing and questionnaire. There are 490 samples which are collected from different junior high schools in aboriginal district. The data of the investigation are analyzed by the following methods:proportion, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. Overall responses of the teachers’ questionnaire indicate a positive attitude toward multicultural education. 2. There is no significant effect on teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education between different gender. 3. Ethnics play a significant role in teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 4. Teachers with different academic degrees do not significantly affect teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 5. Teachers with different teaching experiences play a significant role in teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 6. There is no significant differences among the teachers’ function. 7. There are significant differences toward multicultural education among teachers who teach different subjects. 8. To accept multicultural curriculum plays a significant role in teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 9. The teachers who teach at different districts do not significantly affect their attitudes toward multicultural education. 10. Students’ ethnic backgrounds do not significantly affect teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 11. Schools support multicultural education or not play a significant role in teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 12. To contact with different cultures plays a significant role in teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education. 13. There is a positive relationship between the five dimensions of multicultural education and the five dimensions with the total multicultural education. As the conclusions mentioned above, some of the suggestions on the practicing of multicultural education as well as the future study are proposed....

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