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作者:康琼文 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Study of Analyzing the Ethnic Songs in the Elementary Music Textbooks

【作者】 康琼文

【关键词】 音乐教科书 族群歌曲 多元文化教育

【外文关键词】 music textbook ethnic songs multicultural education







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三、解嚴後各族群歌曲的缺點為「漢族中心」,以人口多寡的因素作為歌曲編排的 考量將原住民歌曲以及客家歌曲常被編排於補充歌曲的部份,易流於「附加課程」的型態;「刻板印象」,主要表現在以先入為主的固定印象評判不同的族群,或以漢人的立場對少數族群作價值判斷;「支離破碎」,主要表現在為了避免羅馬拼音的不當使用造成審查未通過的結果,以羅馬拼音出現的歌曲比例偏低以及歌詞僅以羅馬拼音呈現卻未加以釋義;「選材失衡」,主要表現在歌曲編排的問題、採譜的困難以及課程標準對音感及節奏的限制。

【外文摘要】The purpose of this research is to understand the contents of the songs in the music textbooks, which depends on different curriculum standards in 1952, 1962, 1968, 1975 and 1993 during the periods of the abolition of martial law. The research objects comprise the review textbooks printed in 1952 and in 1962, the national textbooks printed in 1968 and in 1975, and the versions of unofficial review textbooks after the time of the abolition of martial law-- Knsh textbooks, Ren-Lin textbooks, Hanlin textbooks, and Nani textbooks(volume 1 - 8). The research categories include the singing songs and the appreciating songs . The main purpose of this research is to explore the distribution and the contents of different ethnic songs , and to discern the difference in the textbooks of different periods . Then we can survey the factors that effect the choosing and the words of songs in textbooks, and see if there is any prejudice in textbooks from the angle of multicultural education. For the part of the research method, the research used the qualitative and quantitative ways, the "Table of the origination of the songs categories" ,"Table of the words of the songs categories" ,"Table of the words of the songs categories" ,"Table of the words of the ethnic singing songs and appreciating songs categories", to analyze the contents of the textbooks and to interview textbook editors. By this way, we also can obtain the source of each data. According to the data and results, we can make some conclusions: Before the time of the abolition of martial law, the songs from Taiwan were almost original writing ones. In order to raise the sense of identifying with the Mainland China, the songs from the Mainland China were more than those from Taiwan, but the condition changed in 1975. The singing songs from foreign countries were focus on those from Europe and American. In the words of singing songs, the textbooks in different ages reflect the needs of times and they also have much to improve. Besides, in the words of singing songs and appreciating songs of different ethnic nations, they leant toward the "working categories" of the "ethnic cultural categories". After the time of the abolition of the martial law, in order to conform to the regulations of curriculum standards in choosing the singing songs, the domestic songs are more than foreign ones. The choosing songs from Taiwan were more than those from the Mainland China in Knsh textbooks and Nani textbooks, but Ren-Lin textbooks and Hanlin textbooks were in the opposite condition. In choosing the singing songs, the multicultural ones and add to the songs from Asian, Africa, Australia. In the words of singing songs and appreciating songs of different ethnic nations, the description of different ethnic nations was more vivid in quality and quantity after the time of the abolition of martial law. About the comparison of the characteristics in different ethnic songs between the periods before and after the abolition of martial law. 1.The advantages of each ethnic songs in textbooks were literary, and educative before the time of the abolition of martial law, but after the time of abolition of martial law, they became interesting , native, and educative. 2.The defects of each ethnic songs before the time of the abolition of martial law are as follows: "Ethnocentrism"-- European and American music were the center of the world music. "Invisibility"-- Because of some political reasons, the ideology of the big China and the educators' subjective judgments led to the lack of Taiwanese songs. "Imbalance"-- It was mainly shown in the difficulties of collecting songbooks and the limit of curriculum standards in musical rhythms and notes. "Distortions"-- It is mainly shown in inventing a fake image that each ethnic nations can get along together peacefully. "The nations identity"--It is mainly shown in "the national symbols", "patriotic sentiment", "the political model", "the feelings of hostility". 3.The...

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