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作者:曾国盛 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】Sociolinguistic Variation of Mandarin Alveolopalatal Initials j-, q-, x- in the Beipu Hakka Community, Taiwan

【作者】 曾国盛

【关键词】 国语发音 社会变异 语音变异 客家国语 北埔 客家话 社会语言学

【外文关键词】 Hakka Hakka Mandarin Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistic Variation Beipu Mandarin Alveolopalatals Phonological Variation







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受訪者為北埔鄉當地以海陸腔的客語為母語的居民。二十位受訪者逐一接受三十至四十分鐘的訪談並錄音。訪談的內容分為面談(個人背景、回答問題)、重述故事、朗誦短文及詞表。訪談結束後,受訪者填寫評量自身語言態度的問卷。語料經整理後並以GOLDVARB 2001 (Robinson, Lawrence & Tagligmonte, 2001)進行語音變異的量化分析。

【外文摘要】This study follows Labov’s sociolinguistic interview methods to investigate the sociolinguistic variation of Mandarin alveolopalatal initials j-, q-, and x- in a Hakka community, Beipu, a small township but now a famous scenic spot in Xinzhu. The fronting of j-, q-, and x- is one of the features of Hakka Mandarin by Hailu Hakka speakers and these sounds are fronted as the dentals z-, c-, and s-, respectively. In this study, both internal linguistic factors (the finals following the initials) and external linguistic factors (gender, age, education level, speech style, and language attitude) are investigated. The participants consist of 20 natives of Hailu Hakka speakers who live in Beipu since their childhood and were interviewed and recorded digitally for 30 to 40 minutes individually. Participants were asked to perform tasks in different speech styles including interview, story retelling, passage reading, and word reading and to answer the questionnaire to evaluate their own language attitude. The data were transcribed and entered into GOLDVARB 2001 (Robinson, Lawrence & Tagligmonte, 2001) for quantitative analysis. The results show that both internal linguistic and external social factors affect the fronting of alveolopalatals. The internal linguistic factors are the finals that occur after the initials and they have effects on the variation in three ways: (1) the fronted alveolopalatals occur most frequently when followed by the high front unrounded vowel -i, (2) the high front rounded vowel - is unrounded and replaced by -i when it follows the initials, and (3) the fronting does not occur when the initials are followed by the final -n. On the other hand, external linguistic factors are proved to have effects on the pronunciations. First, females use more accurate production of alveolopalatals than do males. Secondly, young speakers use more standard form of alveolopalatals than old speakers. Thirdly, speakers of higher education level have less fronting than those of lower education level. Next, the more formal the speech style is, the more accurate the speakers’ production of the initials. Finally, the results of questionnaire of language attitude reveal that inconsistency exists between participants’ language use and attitude toward different variants, for example, participants slightly disagree with replacing the alveolopalatals with the dentals but use fronted variants most frequently....

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