游客观光意象与地方依附感关系之探讨 -以高雄县美浓镇为例
【外文题名】A Relationship Between Tourism Image and Place Attachment :An Exploratory Study in Mei-Nong Town, Taiwan
【作者】 陈慧蓉
【外文关键词】 Tourism image Place attachment Hakka cultural
【全文挂接】 读秀挂接
【摘要】文化藝術節的舉辦與包裝,經由媒體的傳達,帶動客家文化觀光的熱潮。觀光地點意象的塑造,從入口意象至統一的街道招牌,企圖導引了人們對於陌生地點的認識,藉由意象加深地方熟悉感與識別的印象。Baloglu與Brinberg(1997)認為整體觀光意象由認知意象與情感意象所組成,而這種認知與情感的過程可以用來評估整體意象。這是個人與環境交互影響的結果,一種內在心理知覺的評估歷程。人與環境或景觀的關聯,隨著升學、工作或旅遊不斷的與地方產生互動,進而產生對地方的依附(Relph, 1976)。地方依附感源於個人與環境產生特殊的情感與記憶的經驗,並與地方的物理條件和環境,產生情感和評估的知覺反應 (Stokols & Shumaker, 1981; Williams, Patterson, Roggenbuck & Watson, 1992)。藉由Baloglu 和 McCleary(1999)所建立之觀光意象(Tourism image)模型,本研究嘗試以遊客知覺面為出發點,探討其與地方依附感(Place attachment)內部結構之關聯性,並以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行假設模型驗証。本研究以高雄縣美濃鎮的客家文化觀光為調查地點,於九十五年一月至二月間進行問卷施測。資料經廢卷與偏離值篩檢之後,有效問卷為551份。研究結果顯示,假設一成立:即「觀光意象由認知意象與情感意象所組成」;美濃觀光意象之認知意象以「農村懷舊生活體驗」,情感意象以「放鬆舒適」為影響最大的構面;整體觀光意象二階CFA以「認知意象」為影響最大的構面。假設二成立:即「地方依附感的五個潛在構面同時存在且呈現正向關係」;地方依附感之構面與Hammitt 與 Stewart(1996)所提理論相符合,其面向分別為地方熟悉感(PF)、地方歸屬感(PB)、地方認同感(PI)、地方依賴感(PD)與地方根深蒂固感(PR),且五個面向對整體地方依附感形成呈現正向且直接的關係;整體地方依附感二階CFA以「地方認同感」為影響最大的面向。假設三成立:即「整體觀光意象與整體地方依附感兩者呈現顯著正向且直接的關係」。假設四成立:「認知意象與情感意象會正向的影響地方依附感構面的表現程度」;情感意象對地方認同感呈現直接且正向的關係,認知意象會透過情感意象與對地方認同與地方歸屬感產生最大影響力。根據研究結果,建議地方觀光行銷應以美濃特有的農村懷舊的氣氛為核心價值,並配合意象結構,提升遊客之地方認知,進而建立對地方依附之情感,以確保遊客需求行為與觀光資源間的正向使用關係。...
【外文摘要】Destination image, individuals who have resided and tourism in a place are more likely to have developed significant relationships with particular as well as with physical attributes of the place and also been hypothesized as a potential predictor of place variables. Items concerning ‘image’ were formed according to descriptors of the cognitive-affective dimensions of place remembrance, and environmental imagery(Lynch, 1960); including the ability to describe or even to map a place based on images, memories, and perceptions of a location’s size, distance, physical attributes and site experiences (Relph, 1976). Recreation resource researchers have traditionally conceptualized the bonding phenomenon between users and resource places as place attachment. Hammitt and Stewart (1996) have proposed a taxonomy of dimensions of emotional bonding with recreation place, in which many of the dimensions of emotional bonding with place are classified follows both degree of bonding intensities and degree of bonding characters. Place attachment process five conceptualized dimensions of place bonding: ‘place familiarity’, ‘place belongingness’, and ‘place identity ’, ‘place dependence, ‘place rootedness’. Moreover, Hou, Lin and Morais (2005) indicated that certain perceives of destination image attractiveness may lead to place attachment. It’s proved this study result the relationship between tourism image and place attachment. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between tourism image and place bonding based on the survey of tourists visiting the famous Hakka cultural tourism destination, Mei-Nong Town, Taiwan. In this study, cognitive and affective of tourism image were measured by the construct of Baloglu and Brinberg(1997). The five dimensions of place attachment were measured according to Hammitt and Stewart’s theory. The Structural Equation Modeling has been applied to confirm the hypothesized model. A total of 551 questionnaires were collected during January, 2006 ~ February, 2006 in Mei-nong Town, Taiwan. Results revealed that four conclusions were drawn. (1) Overall image consisted of cognitive and affective image. Also, the factor of ‘cognitive image’ was the biggest predictors of overall destination image compared with the affective image factor. Furthermore, the most influential variable with respect to cognitive image was ‘Nostalgic experience in the countryside’ and ‘Pleasant and relaxing’ toward affective image. (2) In terms of the overall dimensions of place attachment, the factor of ‘Place identity’ was the most influential factor. (3) According to the results of structural equation modeling (SEM), the 2nd order factor of overall tourism image factor had a direct and positive influence upon the 2nd order factor of place attachment. (4) Moreover, the greater proportion of the variation in the cognitive image, the greater influential with the factor of place identify and the factor of place belongingness respect to place attachment dimensions was due to the mediator variables of the affective image.Based on the findings of this study, in terms of management implications, it was suggested that to strength the perceptions toward particular tourism destination through cognitive image and affective image perceived the destination can raise the emotional bonding toward place destination by adding or improving the interpretative service or activity program in tourism destination. Moreover, it was suggested for future study that, in order to predict more accurately the affective attachment toward tourism destination, researchers should take into account the influencing of tourism destination image....
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