首页>学位论文>  清代台湾客家族群性格重塑的研究


作者:汤韵旋 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】The study of the reshaping of the Character of Taiwan’ Hakkas in the Qing dynasty

【作者】 汤韵旋

【关键词】 清代 台湾客家 族群性格 重塑

【外文关键词】 the Qing dynasty Taiwan's Hakkas ethnic character reshaping







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】The Hakkas are the earliest Han immigrants in Taiwan, whose contributions to history, has, however, been neglected to some extent. In recent years, a surge has been witnessed in the study of the ethnic group awareness of Taiwan’s Hakkas. By means of ethno-psychology this dissertation aims at exploring the reshaping of the ethnic character of Taiwan’s Hakkas in the era of immigrant land cultivation of the Qing Dynasty. The analysis is comprehensive, deep-level and focus-oriented with regards to the psychological transformations of this ethnic group in the Qing Dynasty, which are a combination of variations and inheritance. Set against the backgrounds of the Hakkas on the mainland of China and the social circumstances and ethnic group relations of the then Taiwan, the writer probes into the immigration history of Taiwan’s Hakkas and the causes for the psychological reshaping of Taiwan’s Hakkas in the Qing Dynasty. The writer understands that history is complex, and hence his analysis attempts to highlight some features of this ethnic group’s psychology at that time, namely, cultivation-brave (i.e. cultivation in hilly and remote areas for livelihood), fight-brave (i.e. fights with the people of Fujian origin and aborigines), and loyalty-based (i.e. loyal to the Qing Dynasty’s ruling, social stability and country). The cultivation-bravery contributed to the formation of the Hakkas’ diligence and persistence; the fight-bravery made them brave and united; their loyalty to the central government’s ruling encouraged them to fight against the invasion of the Japanese and resulted in their patriotism. The dissertation gives an account of the relations between the Hakkas on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, revealing the fact that they may differ somehow yet show similarities in nature. Taiwan’s Hakkas of the Qing Dynasty displayed their top qualities such as patriotism. Thus, the current study demonstrates the recognition of the active role that Taiwan’s Hakkas, who have inherited their ancestors’ virtues, are bound to play in fighting against the independence of Taiwan and contributing to the reunion of the Chinese people....

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