首页>学位论文>  闽西客家与台湾客家的渊源及发展关系研究


作者:游学军 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】West Fujian Province Hakkas and Taiwan Hakkas s Origin and Development Relations Research

【作者】 游学军


【关键词】 闽西客家 台湾客家 渊源关系 发展关系

【外文关键词】 West Fujian province Hakkas Taiwan Hakkas Origin relations Development relations








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【外文摘要】This article adopts the field investigation visit law method and the literature method, Fully uses the field investigation obtained first material and the rich network literature resources, Geography, sociology, demography, statistics discipline and so on union history study related knowledge and theory, From the physical geography, the transportation geography, the historical culture geography new angle discusses between the West Fujian province Hakkas and the Taiwan Hakkas s origin and the development rel......

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