首页>学位论文>  台灣地區幼兒營養素攝取狀況


作者:沈敬人 日期:1989.01.01 点击数:78

【外文题名】Nutrients intakes of Taiwanese preschool children

【作者】 沈敬人

【关键词】 幼兒 營養素攝取 二十四小時飲食回憶法 教育程度 營養認知

【外文关键词】 preschool children nutrient intakes 24 hr recall educational levels nutrition knowledge







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接

【摘要】及東部、離島、直轄市、省轄市及省一級、省二級等六層,採用二十四小時飲食回憶法,藉由訪問幼兒照顧者來評估幼兒營養素攝取狀況。調查結果顯示:各年齡層幼兒平均熱量攝取未達建議量,約在75% RDNA左右;蛋白質平均攝取量為建議量之1.2~1.7倍;維生素攝取量較十年前增加,但較大幼兒在維生素B1及B6的攝取量有不足的現象;鈣質、鐵質及鋅的攝取量不足,尤以鋅攝取量僅達58%~67% RDNA。在地區差異上,以直轄市幼兒有較佳的營養素攝取狀況,省二級、離島、山地及東部地區幼兒營養素攝取狀況需加強。母親及幼兒主要照顧者教育程度高者,其幼兒有較佳的營養素攝取。母親營養認知與幼兒營養素攝取量有關。另外,四至六歲幼兒飲食中蔬果類、乳品類食物攝取量偏低,是目前幼兒飲食攝取上應改進的問題。...

【外文摘要】The purposes of this study were to monitor the nutritional status of preschool children aged 1-6 years old in Taiwan, to find food sources of deficient nutrients and to study the nutrient intakes of preschool children among caregiver’s with different education levels. The survey was carried out from Jan. 1997 to Feb. 1999. A multi-stage stratified sampling design was used. Taiwan were classified into 6 strata, which were Hakka areas, mountainous and east coast areas, island, metropolitan areas, provincial cities and class I townships, class II rural townships areas. Twenty-four hour dietary recalls were taken by trained interviewers. Mothers, preschool teachers and children themselves were required to recall foods eaten on the previous day of interview. The results showed that daily average caloric intake of Taiwanese preschool children was below the Recommended Daily Nutrient Allowances (RDNA), which was of 75% RDNA. Average daily protein intake of Taiwanese preschool children was 1.2~1.7 times of RDNA. Vitamins intake were higher than those of ten years ago. Calcium, Iron and zinc intakes were below RDNA, especially for zinc. The average Zinc intake only achieved 58% ~ 67% RDNA. Preschool children lived in Metropolitan had higher nutrients intakes than those who lived in other area. The higher educational levels of mothers and caregivers, the higher nutrient intakes of preschool children. Milk and vegetable consumption insufficiency were problems of four to six years old Taiwanese preschool children....

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