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作者:邵宜 日期:1994.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】On Phonological Features of Gan Dialect

【作者】 邵宜

【关键词】 赣方言 音韵特征

【外文关键词】 Gan Gan dialect phonological feature







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【摘要】异。各种材料,无论是现代方言还是历史文献,显示赣与客之间确实存在着非常密切的关系。如果不考虑历史方面的因素,把赣、客合为一类是可行的。 本文由五部分组成。第一部分是前言,交代了写作此文的起因:一些语言学家坚持赣客宜合并为一类,理由是赣方言没有足够的语言事实能够使它成为独立的一种汉语方言。我们认为,尽管赣客有许多共同之处,但事实上它们之间存在着一些差异,这些差异暗示它们有不同的来源。历史资料显示,赣方言有自己的来源,并不象有的学者说的,与客方言同“族”不同“房”。在第一,二,三章里我们仔细考察和分析了两个方言声韵调方面的异同,从而得出结论(第四章),赣方言在客家先民从中原大举甫下之前已经形成,后来它受到了多次客方言的同化,从而形成今天的面貌。...

【外文摘要】Gan dialect is called Gan Yu for short, which as been considered a dialect without outstanding features. For its sharing many phonological features with Hakka dialect, it was merged into Hakka-Gan dialects. We think that of no outstanding features is just its feature. Mr. Ho Da-an called Gan dialect “a mixed dialect”, I agree with him on this. The studing value of Gan dialects lies in it.Features of a dialect are usually easy to be changed after lashed by other dialects. All kinds of materials, modern dialects and historical data, show that there are acturally very closed relation between Gan and Hakka dialects. If we don’t take the aspect of history into consideration, the merge of them is allowed.This paper is divided into five parts. The first is preface in which I’ll show the cause of writing this paper. Some phonologists have been insisting on that Gan dialect should be merged into Hakka dialect, because it has no enough distinctive features to allow it to be an independent Chinese dialect. Though they are sharing many phonological features, there are some differences between theem in fact, which hints that they have differencial origins. Historical materials show that Gan dialect has its own origin, not as some people said that it shares a common ancester with Hakka dialect. In chapter 1,2,3, we observe and study carefully identical and differencial features of the two dialects, the conclusion we turn out(in chaper 4) is that Gandialect had been formed before the ancesters of Hakka migrated from north China to south China, later, it met with repeated charges from Hakka dialect, and assimilated by it many aspects....

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