首页>学位论文>  晚清客籍外交官:他们的兴起与活动


作者:钟剑峰 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Hakka Diplomats in Late Qing: Their Appearance and Activities

【作者】 钟剑峰


【关键词】 晚清 客家 外交官 群体

【外文关键词】 Late Qing Hakka Diplomat Group







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】The Hakka, a branch of the Han nationality. The Hakka people, or the people who speak Hakka, is estimated to consist of 50 million people all over the world. From modern age, there is a group of Hakkas in Late Qing’s diplomatic area. The diplomat of Hakka in the Late Qing, not only as individuals , but also as a group in a web consist of territory、dialect、lineage, and so on. The thesis is expected to advance the research on this group people, by exploring their appearance and activities of the Hakka diplomats in Late Qing....

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