首页>学位论文>  明清时期客家与山区农业的开发:以闽粤赣边区为中心


作者:周智武 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】The Hakkas’ exploring agriculture of the mountainous countries during the Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 周智武


【关键词】 明清时期 客家 山区 农业 开发

【外文关键词】 The Ming and Qing Dynasty The Hakka the mountainous countries agriculture exploitation







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【外文摘要】During the Ming and Qing dynasty, the mountainous region was increasingly received considerable attention as production ownership since the conflict between the agriculture plantation and population became more and more serious, and the upsurge for exploitation of the mountainous region was formed. The Hakka had important roles in the exploitation because they often inhabit agminately in these region. In the course of the development of agriculture economy in the the mountainous region, the Hakka had assarted and cultivated wilderness and plowland with the advantage of the power of family colony. They developed the multiplicity farmland, started perfect construction of the establishment of irrigation works, summarized a suit of experience for farming of mountainous region, learned and improved production technique of aboriginal, expanded the foodstuff production of mountainous region, spreaded the choice crop adapting to mountainous region, growed sufficiently commerce agriculture of mountainous region, utilized the zoology resources of mountainous region. In the conclusion, the Hakka setted up the agriculture economy of their characteristic and had important roles in the development of the economy in the mountainous region....

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