首页>学位论文>  彬州土话语音及词汇研究


作者:范俊军 日期:1999.01.01 点击数:57

【外文题名】Phonological and Lexical Studies of Chenzhou Dialects

【作者】 范俊军

【关键词】 语音 彬州土话 词汇

【外文关键词】 ChenZhou Dialects Phonology lexicon







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接

【摘要】客家的3个点,即宜章胡家、资兴黄草、汝城热水。汝城、桂东由于地理偏僻,加上笔者的时间和精力限制,布点偏少。 第四章对郴州土话各点的声韵调和常用词汇进行内部比较,通过比较揭示出各土话在语音和词汇方面的共性与个性,同时对其中某些特殊的语音现象作初步的探讨。 第五章就郴州土话与湘群北片、湘语南片、赣语、客方言四种方言的典型语音特征进行比较,用计量方法分析郴州土话与各大方言在语音特征上的接近程度,同时就郴州土话800余条词语与各大方言进行比较,揭示其异同。在语音和词汇比较的基础上,对郴州土话的归属作了初步的探讨。结论认为:郴州土话整体上为湘赣特征比较明显而杂有客家方言特征的一种混杂型方言。...

【外文摘要】This paper is devoted to study on the dialects that over nine countries of Chenzhou, in South Hunan Province. The phonological and lexical systems of the 23 dialectal spots is described in detail, by which the outline of Chenzhou dialects has been giben to us .. it contains six chapters. The first chapter is a brief account of the history and the geograph7. in the second one, I have attempted to map the dialectal distribution in thetowns and countries of chenzhou. The froth is one of the main chapters of the paper, in whch I have tried to make a phonological and lexical comparasion amomg the 23 spots and singgled out the identitieds and diversities in phonological components and lexicon of the dialects. In the final chapter, the phonological features and lecical items are taken to compare with that of the four typica chines dialects such as so –called the Old and the New of Xiangdialects (Xiang is the alias of Hu’nan Province), the Hakka dialect and the Gan Dialect(Gang, alias of Jiangxi Province). It also concerns the genetic and belongingness of Chenzhou dialects and comes to the conclusion that the dialects spoken in the countries are typical mixture with and old xiang dialect and the Gang dialect....

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