【外文题名】Hakka Folk Language Research in Dapu County
【作者】 钟向阳
【外文关键词】 hakka folk dialect environmental adaptation
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【外文摘要】 Hakkanese is from Central part of China as a migration and Hakka culture is a typical migration culture. As an important part of Hakka culture, the Hakka folk dialect has been influenced by the natural environment and social environment. This Paper takes the scientific method of cultural anthropology to make a deep investigation on Taoyuan Town of Dapu County. On the base of grasping the first-hand materials, the Paper analyzes Dapu County Hakka folk dialect through four chapters revealing the environment and traditional culture influence on the folk dialect of the Hakka. Through the analysis and study of Hakka folk dialect, the paper puts forward the new view that the entity of hakka ‘Twice funeral’ is the geomantic omen funeral,and inworship of animal. We can know the Hakka dialect and Hakka culture from all aspects through the analysis and research of Dapu Hakka folk dialect to enrich the research achievements of Hakka language culture....
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