首页>学位论文>  广东客家村社群体生计模式研究


作者:何国强 日期:1998.01.01 点击数:27

【作者】 何国强

【关键词】 民族聚居区 民族特点 民族文化 族源学 民族心理素质 客家 广东








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【摘要】区客家,座落在粤东北五华县境内万山之中。五华是国务确定的贫困县之一,双河是该县文葵镇里江管理区的一个大村,建村已有272年,由十二个自然村组成。 第二个研究样板是东联管理区的三个自然村:田平、溪边和乔上。 第三个研究样板位于珠江三角洲西南边缘的赤溪半岛,虽然珠江三角洲是平原,但海岸一带多数为丘陵。 论文最后提出总论点和基本结论。总论点是:(1)广东客家是居山的汉民系,人们的主要生计方式是农耕,灌溉农业是客家村社的基本模武;(2)广东客家是个善于生育的民系,人口对土地的强压力促使他们四处迁移并以各种方式谋生;(3)宗族是广东客家应付环境的有效组织形式,这个形式并没有完结;(4)宗族的冲突具有双重功能;(5)核心家庭是比较适应现阶段客家村社环境的主要家庭形式;(6)从生产考察才能认识客家妇女的真实地位。 基本结论有两条:(1)广东客家是一个非常能够适应环境的民系,这种适应性最根本的内容就是他们发明和利用了许多有效的谋生方式从而使自己存活下来;(2)广东客家农民参与进两个不同的系统,首先他们与所在区域内的生物群(包括人)构成了一个生态系统;其次,他们与所在区域以外的地方的群体交换妇女和活动,群体之间争取重新分配土地、人群重新分布,于是他们参与了一个地区系统。这两个系统不是互不相干的,各种有关的活动使它们结合在一起,而且调整了两个系统内部的关系和整体生物环境的关系。...

【外文摘要】  The author of this thesis studied three samples. The first sample is a rural structure that is entirely built on agricultrual activities.The activities of viliagers carried out tend to illustrate the basic traits of collective residence of the same clan with great emphasis placed on ties of blood ,preservation of authority of patriarchal clan by means of all possible and effective forms,and timely and appropriate mediation of issues and disputes among the clan ,a social form that is in line with the means of livelihood of agriculture in mountainous regions. The second sample is the pluralism structrue of both the agricultrual,industry and business. The third sample is the means of livelihood by fishery and farming,which showed themselves characteried in the tools of production, their daily schedules,the personal relationships, peoples psychological state,composition of their diets,breeding of children,social status of women and planting,building irrigation works and houses,constructing defence works,emigrating. The major theses and conclusions came from three samples. The major theses are as follows:⑴The Hakka in Guangdong is a mountain branch of the Han nationality whose chief means of livehood consists in farming,irrigation agriculture being the basic model of the Hakka viliage or community,⑵The Hakka in Guangdong are people good at breeding children and the pressure of the population on land compels them to move everywheree and adopt different means of livelihood,⑶The patriar chal clan is an effective mode of organization adopted by the Hakka in Guangdong in their efforts to fit in with their environment,and this mo de is not over yet,⑷The conflicts of the clans have a double function to perform,⑸The nuclear family is the main family style that fits in well with the envionment of the Hakka villages and comminities at the p resent stage,⑹The real status of Hakka women should be understood through observing their part in production. The basic conclusions are down:⑴The Hakka in Guangdong are a peo ple who can adapt themselves quite readily to their environment, which manifests itself in their inventions and employment of various effectiv e means of livelihood for survial,⑵The Hakka farmers in Guangdong are participants in the ecological system and regional system,the activities are work to united the two systems together and regulate the relationship inside the systems and the relationship of the entire biological environment....

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